... and all because because because....!

… of the wonderful things that I does!

My theories and observations about use of ‘because’ by Taiwanesers are becoming just too big and multitudinous to store in my head, so I may have to start dumping them here.

For starters though, here’s a question from a friend of mine:

[quote] sometimes I’m not sure about the differences of “due to” and “because of” either. For example, both “Her absence was due to the storm” and “She couldn’t come because of the storm” seem pretty much the same to me. englishplus.com/grammar/00000208.htm Though the page says that due to means caused by, I still don’t get it. Could you explain that to me?

I looked at the page linked to and it’s not really very helpful.

[quote]Using Due To

Due to means “caused by.” It should be used only if it can be substituted with “caused by.”

It does not mean the same as “because of.”

Incorrect: The game was postponed due to rain.

Correct: The game was postponed because of rain.

Correct: The game's postponement was due to rain. [/quote]

A. Why not point out that ‘due to’ is used following a noun and not a verb?
B. Is this ‘rule’ real anyway? I wouldn’t give anyone a hard time for the ‘incorrect’ example given, and I’m not even sure I wouldn’t say it myself.

Stop googling. Everything on the internet is rubbish.

Swan’s ‘Practical English Usage’ will sort you out.

If the question of ‘real rules’ comes up, just run it through a concordancer. Or better still, tell yer b****y student to do it, lazy wench.