And people ask why I don't like Tim Horton's

Yes. Whenever I have to go and can’t use the restroom at a restaurant, I definitely shit all over the floor and then throw my feces at the employees like an enraged chimpanzee. Totally valid reaction to being told a bathroom is “customers only.”

What a cheap piece of trailer trash this shitter is. :joy: I mean, she could have just bought a Timbit. For those of you unfamiliar with Tim Horton`s very proletarian menu and coffee (I would not feed it to my dog), timbits are tiny round donut pieces that cost pocket change. She could have spent a quarter and used the facilities.

I would’ve ratted him out

Hmmmm. My mom (in a prairie town) in the mid 80s was a frequent recipient of said doughnuts. She told me about the guy getting prosecuted for it. Coincidence or common?

I remember a high school boyfriend telling me he had to go so he pulled over to a restroom, but it was a pay-per-toilet. So he pissed on the door. He said, “This is America, we don’t pay to piss.”

Why spend a quarter to spend a penny?

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