Anglicising Taiwan's Place Names

Continuing the discussion from Pinyin Wars Part VI: The Sound & the Fury:

I think we could turn this into a fun exercise into seeing what Taiwan would look like if we made English names of various places based off of the Chinese meaning. This would also help us learn and exercise our understanding of the Chinese culture and sometimes, the why of place names in Taiwan. I moved the posts from Pinyin Wars VI to here. Posts from the Pinyin wars thread won’t be modified because it’s not fair.

Some suggested guidelines for easy reading first:

  1. One name per post.
  2. Put a Yes/No poll in your post.
  3. No limit on posts.
  4. If possible, write both the official name and Chinese name. Wikipedia often offers the Chinese name which can be copied and pasted if you aren’t able to type it.
  5. Posts with a Yes winner will be put onto the list.
  6. If two or more names for the same place win a Yes vote, then they will be put head to head in another poll.
  7. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to post in this thread. Let’s keep it positive.
  8. Any other discussion and banter would continue as normal. Let’s have fun talking.

Entries will go here

That sounds pretty misleading…way too classy.


Well, the wooden bridge is long gone. How about Concretebridges?

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Okay… but there’s a reason Hong Kong has actual English names for some of the locations. It’s futile to try and do that for all of Taiwan… They don’t even do it for all of Hong Kong.

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ooh I like this!

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I live in Freshwater District, New North Stage City? :thinking:

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Taipei is already familiar as a loanword(loanname) in English so I guess New Taipei will stay.

Florida has a Clearwater City. 清水市 anyone?

Take the train to Mangrove Station.

Daxi would be Grand Creek

Taoyuan would be Peach Park City

Guishan? Mount Turtle


Then there would be a sign here saying Peach Park, a sign there saying Peach Orchard, a website saying Peach Garden… and Mount or Mountain? Turtle or Tortoise?

You just can’t win! :wall:


I think this would be minimal at worst. Taiwanese have little desire to learn and understand Pinyin.

English they’re obsessed with. And many English terms for places are consistent. District is always 區
City is always 市
County is always 縣
Road is always 路
Village is always 里
Taiwan is always 第一

At most there might be a typo here and there.

Interestingly, it seems that the new looking bus stop signs in Tianmu are using English names for the stops. The 天母新村 stop is the Tianmu New Village stop.

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Why not heaven mother new village.


Okay, so following that logic and your Peach Park City example, 園 is always park, as in 公園 public park, 花園 flower park, 動物園 animal park, 園先生 Mr. Park, 幼稚園 childish park, 校園 school park, 樂園 happy park, 葡萄園 grape park, 伊甸園 Eden Park…


Too long…those signs aren’t big, you know!

Well. No
A lot of these are established words in English

幼稚園 is Kindergarten
動物園 is zoo…Taipei Zoo Station is already established.
校園 is campus I believe
花園 is garden

公園 is indeed public park. But public can be truncated

Taoyuan is also established, and fortunately the romanization doesn’t vary unless you go hardcore WG (t’ao instead of tao) or something similarly niche.

But if you insist on translating it, why not Peach Orchard? :peach: :deciduous_tree:

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I dont see why not. I just pulled it out of my ass.


There’s a joke to be made about that, but it’s not for company as polite as pinyin scholars. :innocent:

中山區 is center/middle mountain district? Or Sun Yat-sen district?

How is 大同區? Essentially same district?

信義區 is faith district?

Well. We have a Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall Station. So Yatsen or Zhongshan

大同 could be Grand Community

I thought there was already a translation of that, something like Supreme Harmony (but not actually Supreme Harmony, because that’s 太和).