Annoying Habits

[quote=“urodacus”]Actualy, apart from hobbit foot[prints, tere is one local habit that pisses me off, in an “oh mi god why can they be so ignorant or uncaring of the consequences?” way.

Sitting in the car, air conditioner on, asleep or dozing for hours with the engine running, parked on the red line at a busy intersection. Traffic banked up behind them, snarling its way back around to the net intersection.

And then if you stop and tap on the window and ask them to move, they either treat you like you have two heads, or they get irate and all angry as I have humiliated them in public. Selfish ignorant prats!

Perhaps even more annoying is the millions of docile brainless sheep who meekly make their way past them, three lanes merging into one and a half, and not one objection or toot of the horn…[/quote]

They might be a gangster! It is best to accept every ignorant selfish thing anyone does in public because they may be gangsters.