I have trawled the CLA site but I cant find the appropriate reg that discusses annual leave entitlements. Trying to get my head round company policy and I would just like the regs to back it up. I think it is the Labor Standard Law, but I cant locate that online either. Help… please…
ARAIK it’s nothing in the first year, seven days in the second year and an additional day each year after that until 15 days. Something like that, at least.
My god! When did that happen? Are you including national holidays? I have never heard of this before. Neither has the Taiwanese girl sitting beside me. She’s in her first year here and gets nothing except national holidays, which she says is normal.
< 1 year = 0
1…3 years = 7 days
3…5 years = 10 days
5…10 years = 14 days
10 years = 10 days + 1 day for every year above 10.[/quote]
Brilliant! I’m going to stay at this company for 365 years, then I’ll get paid for doing nothing! Stupid eejits never notice THAT little loophole, did they?
[quote=“irishstu”]Brilliant! I’m going to stay at this company for 365 years, then I’ll get paid for doing nothing! Stupid eejits never notice THAT little loophole, did they?[/quote]They did, you just didn’t read all the squiggly bits, smelly.
[quote]Article 38
Where a worker continues to work for one and the same employer or business entity for a certain period of time he (or she) shall be granted special leave on an annual basis on the following basis:
Seven days for the services of more than one year but less than three years.
Ten days for the service of more than three years but less than five years.
Fourteen days for the service of more than five years but less than ten years.
One additional day for each year of service over ten years up to a maximum of thirty days.[/quote]
Well, the whole leave situation here is really weird.
The first 2 years I was here, the majority of the public holidays fell on a weekend, and it’s “tough shit”. But when it comes time to take CNY, you have to either work a Saturday or take another day’s leave to make up the full week.
It’s stupid how they give everyone a Mon-Thurs break and not a Mon-Fri one year after year, without a passing thought for days lost in the weekend