Another accident victim in need of help

My wife asked me to post this very rough and quick translation she made of an item in today’s United Daily News concerning a young Pakistani man in dire straits, in case the English-language press fails to pick up the story.
A very sad story.

[quote]United Daily News, 2006/10/24 (Tuesday) 〈C5 Greater Taipei〉
A young Pakistani man named Tanveer is suffering from paraplegia caused by a severe car accident in which he was involved on Oct. 10.
Tanveer married a Taiwanese woman in Pakistan and came to Taiwan to join her in their new life at the end of August. Since he is a newcomer and has not yet received his ARC, his medical treatment is not covered by Taiwan’s National Health Insurance. His wife is just a regular office lady and is shocked, as you can imagine, by the fact of his paraplegia and the rapidly mounting medical expenses, which had amounted to over NT$300,000 by the end of the first week of his hospitalization.
Since being told that he will never walk again and upon being informed of the other facts concerning his physical functions, he has attempted to remove his life support system as he cannot bear the thought of being a burden to others.
If you wish to offer a little help to this ill-fortuned young man, you can contact his friends: Ali (0913-888-812) and Tahir – translated from Chinese – (0937-866-504) or the Taipei Mosque on Hsing-shen South Road opposite Tai-Da University, where there is a donation box. Please do not call Ali or Tahir before noon since they are both restaurant workers who work late at night.[/quote]

The above is Jojo’s translation, with her apologies for the poor English. She did it in a rush.
She also added the following after she verified the facts of the report with someone at the Taipei Mosque.

I know some of us don’t have much extra money or even ANY extra money. I also know that many of us do. This bloke’s a stranger to us but he’s in a strange place in very, very trying circumstances.

Man, that is so sad.

Will his NHI coverage be retroactive?

Does he speak English Sandman?

I have no idea at all. The report was only published today.

Any prospects for third party insurance from the owner(s) of the vehicle(s) involved in the accident?

What a horror story!


Very sad. :frowning: My sympathies go out to him, and his wife and family.

sheesh… more sad news… peace, strength and courage to him and his family…

Can anybody give me a more accurate location for this mosque? I can’t visualise it…

Can anybody give me a more accurate location for this mosque? I can’t visualise it…[/quote]
I’m sorry – it might actually be opposite the Da’an Forest Park I think, which would put it a little north of the intersection with Heping East Road.

Taipei Grand Mosque
62 Xin Sheng South Rd.
Sec. 2, Taipei, R.O.C.

Phone:+886-2-2392-7364 or 2321-9445
Fax: +886-2-2394-8390
or 2393-5283


Oh, that one! you can’t miss that.

I will go over and put some money in the collection box when I arrive next week.

Thanks Sandman

[quote] Since being told that he will never walk again and upon being informed of the other facts concerning his physical functions, he has attempted to remove his life support system as he cannot bear the thought of being a burden to others.
If you wish to offer a little help to this ill-fortuned young man…[/quote]

You mean some help to end his life? If the guy wants to let go…then the doctors should help him with that. It’s his choice.

And is there any threads in here about the diver at Leofoo? He’s from Mexico and messed up a dive…and is also paralized for life from the neck down. Leofoo is paying for SOME of his bills…and shipping him back to Mexico…that’s what I heard anyway.

Yes, there is a thread about that…click here.

Deleted post by mistake. I will try to reconstruct it.

[quote=“Mordeth”][quote] Since being told that he will never walk again and upon being informed of the other facts concerning his physical functions, he has attempted to remove his life support system as he cannot bear the thought of being a burden to others.
If you wish to offer a little help to this ill-fortuned young man…[/quote]

You mean some help to end his life? If the guy wants to let go…then the doctors should help him with that. It’s his choice.[/quote] That’s not what the report meant, I don’t think. It was simply a call for help, most probably financial, I would think. I don’t know Taiwan’s laws regarding mercy killing or DNR protocol.

Today I finally went to visit Tanveer Muhammad in the Far Eastern Memorial Hospital. The hospital is right next to the MRT station of the same name - out near the western end of the blue line. Tanveer is in a three-person room on the 9th floor. The elevators are in the main foyer on your left as you go in. Go to the 9th floor and bear right to find the information desk.

There is a bilingual nurse looking after him - I think she is Indonesian. I guess funds collected by the mosque are paying for that. His father was also there. The elderly gentleman speaks Urdu but little or no English. I wanted to leave because Tanveer was sleeping, but the nurse said he would be angry if he knew someone went to visit him and he wasn’t told. Tanveer is now breathing on his own but his voice sounded a little hoarse. His legs are paralysed but I think the main challenge for him psychologically must be being incontinent. He said he is not allowed to eat bananas but oranges and grapefruit are OK. He is on a drip that makes him feel sleepy. I did not think to enquire whether he can sit up in bed. He is probably bored silly lying there all the time. I plan to visit him again next Monday and get him a radio/cassette player and earphones so he can listen to ICRT.

Tanveer sleeps at irregular times. The nurse suggested the best times to visit him might be around 9 am and 9 pm. I think he might appreciate newspapers and books in English or Urdu. If anyone wants to visit him before I do and take him a radio, please let me know by private message, or text/phone me on 0968 601041.