Another US political orientation test

It says I’m liberal.

I am labeled as an…


Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Enterpriser typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues.
Enterprisers represent 9 percent of the American public, and 10 percent of registered voters.

Enterprisers follow news about government and politics more closely than any other group, and exhibit the most knowledge about world affairs.[/quote]
An interesting excercise in demographical identification.

Bleeding-heart Liberal

Finally, I know who I am! :notworthy:

Enemy of the State?


Actually I’m an Upbeat. Sounds wimpy to me. I’m going to have to work on that.

Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Enterpriser typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues.

Enterprisers represent 9 percent of the American public, and 10 percent of registered voters.

Basic Description
As in previous studies conducted in 1987, 1994 and 1999, this extremely partisan Republican group

I am an Enterpriser too.



Enterpriser [/quote]

fred smith
I am an Enterpriser too.[/quote]


We so need our own forum. :slight_smile:

We are here…where we are needed. :smiley:

After Fred had convinced me so much in so many issues, I am glad I am still a “Liberal”. Well, I pretended to be American to take part…

The description sounded as if I am a gay terrorist-appeaser who secretly burns churches in the evening. :unamused:

Onanistic Enterprisers meeting called to order! As the first matter of business, we need to read out and approve the minutes from last week:

  1. It was resolved that by a 5-0 vote we would express continuous outrage that the minority senators could possibly be allowed to filibuster the 5% of judicial nominees with which they disagree. It was also resolved that should the Republican Party ever find itself with a Senate minority again, we will do everything possible to reinstate the filibuster.

  2. It was resolved that Onanistic Enterprisers members will demand that Congress provide no more equipment or pay to troops unless they agree to vote 100% Republican in the next election.

  3. It was resolved that, in support of our Pro-Life base, we will do everything possible to ensure that the long arm of the law reaches directly into the wombs of all American women.

  4. It was resolved that we will send a letter of support to General Sanchez that he can get through the next few weeks without perjury charges for his testimony on prisoner torture.

OK! On to new business!

Onanistic Enterprisers meeting called to order! As the first matter of business, we need to read out and approve the minutes from last week:

  1. It was resolved that by a 5-0 vote we would express continuous outrage that the minority senators could possibly be allowed to filibuster the 5% of judicial nominees with which they disagree. It was also resolved that should the Republican Party ever find itself with a Senate minority again, we will do everything possible to reinstate the filibuster.

  2. It was resolved that Onanistic Enterprisers members will demand that Congress provide no more equipment or pay to troops unless they agree to vote 100% Republican in the next election.

  3. It was resolved that, in support of our Pro-Life base, we will do everything possible to ensure that the long arm of the law reaches directly into the wombs of all American women.

  4. It was resolved that we will send a letter of support to General Sanchez that he can get through the next few weeks without perjury charges for his testimony on prisoner torture.

OK! On to new business![/quote][/quote]

uhm…did you take the test yet?

They can call it the Girly Men’s Forum. :slight_smile:

Upbeaters kick Enterprisers’ ass! Hoo-ya!

Actually I think I was cheated. How’d I get bunched with people who think government is the answer? I want to hang out with the Enterprisers because they’ll be drinking Jack Daniels, smoking cigars and taking target practice at all of their meetings and that pretty well describes my MO too.

The only good thing about an Upbeaters meeting is they’ll have more good-looking babes there.

Just did! I’m a “Conservative Democrat,” so I guess I don’t get to join the OE Club. Looks like the Groucho Marx problem is avoided. :laughing:

Guess that first point would have only been a 4-0 vote for continuous outrage about the filibuster

Spook, it’s all a matter of degree.

They’ll be drinking Jack Daniels while I’ll be drinking some single-malt scotch.

They’ll be smoking cherry-flavored Swisher Sweets with the plastic tips that old men at the racetrack enjoy, and I’ll be lighting up the Cohibas with giant non-safety wooden matches suitable for American fireplaces.

Regarding target practice, I’m stuck with darts and pool until I get stateside.

[quote=“mofangongren”]Spook, it’s all a matter of degree.

You won’t be the only one. Stereotypes persist :slight_smile:

They’ll be smoking cherry-flavored Swisher Sweets with the plastic tips that old men at the racetrack enjoy, and I’ll be lighting up the Cohibas with giant non-safety wooden matches suitable for American fireplaces.

I likes the Cubans mahself. :slight_smile:

Good gravy! Well, then perhaps we can open up a “Somewhere on the Spectrum” club that can address all our smoking and drinking needs!

Well, I have penciled in plans to head to the tavern tomorrow night. :slight_smile:

Did anyone else turn up “Disaffected?” hehe…I’m in the category with all of the rifle toters.

It goes to show you that there is no GOOD standard to measure someone’s political orientation. I am completely in the middle on so many issues…so much so that it identifies me as being a part of a group that is more often than not uneducated and which has no interest in politics at all only because it can’t find a category for me.

big shocker-- it says i’m a liberal.

Defining Values
Strongest preference for diplomacy over use of military force. Pro-choice, supportive of gay marriage and strongly favor environmental protection. Low participation in religious activities. Most sympathetic of any group to immigrants as well as labor unions, and most opposed to the anti-terrorism Patriot Act.

absolutely no problem with this description.

Who They Are
most highly educated group.

obviously!!! lol

Lifestyle Notes
Least likely to report having a gun at home (23%) or attending bible study or prayer group meetings (13%).

thank god!!!