Answer My Question With A Question

Why should I tell YOU?

If sliced bread is the best thing, then wouldn’t slicing bread be the best thing to do?

Why don’t you listen to your mother? Why wouldn’t you answer a question with a question?

Are you our mother?

Aren’t you going to be quiet and eat your soup?

Halloween started then early for you guys!

Can I dip my bread in the soup?

Or soup the dip in the bread, oh s… it caught the virus as well.

Do I make you horny, baby? Do I?

Would you talk to your mother like that?

Are you talking to ME?

Who else would I be talking to?

Do you want a piece of this?

Is it a piece of cake?

Who would like a piece of cake if they could get a piece of ass?

Why would anyone eat a donkey?

Does your wawa have enough blurter?

What’s a wawa and what’s a blurter?

You don’t have them? :astonished:

Mine grow when I think of BFM, don’t they? :wink: