Anti-semitism in Taiwan

Could be, but the two people I know of who spouted stereotypes had never spent time in the US and didn’t know a single Jewish person. It was ignorant BS, pure and simple.[/quote]

The stuff MT is talking about, and other posters here, is not really “antisemitism” but just normal international suspicion, ignorance, stereotypes that have become globalized.

It’s just uninformed opinion based on hearsay and folk legends and the global buzz, and as such, it contains lots of what might be called anti-Jewish stereotypes based mostly on not knowing anything about Jews, other than the received stereotypes.

Same as for public ‘‘chatter’’ about blacks, othyer Asians, Japanese, French or Germans or Muslims. Or women. Or gays. Nothing to worry about, Mother Teresa, but interesting thread u started nevertheless.

If anything, most Taiwanese have a positive view of Jews, as intelligent, family-oriented, successful people. Like Einstein or Speilberg or Soros.

(Although the ongoing Israeli-PLO issues make the story much more problematical now, it’s true. Some take the side of Israel, others take the side of the PLO. THAT is not antisemitism, just global politics.)

[quote=“mod lang”]Fascism does not equal anti-Semitism. Read your history books. Mussolini was not an anti-Semite like Hitler. Fascism and Nazism were two different movements. Gawd, some people are so ignorant.[/quote]

That was a JOKE son, a JOKE…was FUNNY! :p…I realize that there was a huge difference between Hitler and Mousolini (or Musclelini as I galled him in first grade).

Fact is that people use words and phrases here without having the FIRST clue what they mean, and seem to find the high technology device called a dictionary to be quite baffling on occasion ;-).

[quote=“Mother Theresa”]… So there was purportedly one wealthy jew in Shanghai who got rich selling opium and you believe there’s widespread Chinese, or Taiwanese, prejudice against Jews based on rumors of that one man?

I can just see the prejudice in 20 years against Canadians after the rumors keep kicking in about Canadians and drug dealing.

No, I am not saying anything about Canadians here.

Taiwanese, yes. Canadians, no.

of course not
Prejudice against Jews origin before Taiwan became independent.
China like many countries took Jewish refugees from Germany. Most of them were based in Shanghai. And one refugee became quite wealthy by selling opium. He became the biggest drug lord for that time.[/quote]

I think you’re talking about people like the Sassoons who came in the mid-19th century from Baghdad?? They did deal in opium but other businesses as well. Most who did trade with China had some dealing with opium…why single out him?