Any healthy 30-45yo White male long term expat professionals here? Would appreciate some insight about why any would stay in taipei

Please do. Make it a one way ticket. :sunglasses:

“Do parents, jealous friends, jealous guys, etcetera generally try to dissuade taiwanese girls from dating non-taiwanese or what?” :roll:

Seriously if you’re getting swerved the reason can only be you, no matter how handsome you believe you are.


Is there anyone in this thread who meets OPs criteria?

I shave where it is most important so I’m half way there…

Naming yourself after the Buddha. No way this guy has a God complex.

The Vietnamese have been through enough tragedy and exploitation. Fly to Macau please. And gamble. A lot.

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My “Suggested topics” for this post lists “The Jordan Peterson Thread” first. I find this amusing.

Second is “Spanish Surfer Stabbed”, and I don’t know what to make of that.

Do those suggested topics vary by the user, or does everyone see the same ones?

I see mostly job related posts, since I love reading buxiban horror stories.

The race-baiters are getting more sophisticated in their writing style these days. I see a lot of polish in this finished product, it must have been by committee.

To answer your ‘question’? Most foreigners in your demographic range are Sunday church goers, have families, stable jobs and help elderly people to cross the street.


Also hes vegan

I don’t know, man.
I read all the posts.

Is anyone else having trouble believing this dude is really THE Buddha??

Maybe I’m missing something.


This thread was moving along nicely, then someone said this…

…and then it was just static in my ears.

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Your ears and nose?

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Thailand is
<—/ that way


An attempt was made

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Is this question still toward healthy 30-45yo white male expat professionals?

Though I don’t meet the criteria, it seems cleaness is very important for you, so I’d recommend to specify the standard of your cleanesss.

His paid escorts must get tested for STDs at least once a month.

I didn’t need to know your standard of cleaness.

Ouch. Now here I thought we were on the same side.

So this is the kind of guy you’re looking for?

Oh, wait…now I get it. Yes, lots of the 10s here are pros. You know, doctors, lawyers, CPAs. But seriously, I think you may find the Philippines more up your alley. Happy hunting!


I think “apartment” is a euphemism.


I am not “someone”. I am the bear.

Th’ bear abides. :paw_prints: