Any insight about sending your kids to TIBS 泰北國際雙語小學 TAIBEI International Bilingual School?

Don’t send kids there. They just started their “international programme” this year, though they have been advertising it since the start of last year. At present, they use a Canadian ELA curriculum at a Canadian grade 7 level, but the students there are at best grade 3 to 4 proficiency, which leads to no one actually being able to engage with the curriculum. It’s my understanding (from a friend who worked there briefly and the subsequent conversations in our community) that the school put little to no thought into how the curriculum would be implemented, and teachers have been given the boot for saying anything about students needing quite a bit of scaffolding for the curriculum to work. There are a few kids from overseas there, but most are struggling in both Chinese and in English, and it does not seem to be a sustainable model long-term. It seems like one of the schools that took something that sounded good and threw it together without thinking about how it would actually be implemented.