Any last minute camping sites near Hsinchu?

I’m looking to go camping somewhere near Hsinchu this weekend. I already have a tent and all the equipment needed. All the places I called are booked. I would like to still be able to go camping this weekend. Does anyone know of any camping spots that don’t need a reservation (like safe spots to camp that aren’t intruding on other people’s property) or any that might still be open to reservations? Also, if the place can be accessed by a gogoro, that would be awesome. Thanks in advance!

I remember reading on blogs of foreign cyclists biking around Taiwan camping at either elementary schools’ track fields/stages or even outside police stations.
Some asked for permission (to police), others just did it at the schools and packed up and left before early exercisers came.

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That’s cool, I didn’t know that. I was thinking more in the woods though. Also about the gogoro thing, I might be able to get access to a car but if the spot was reachable by gogoro, that would be ideal.

which ones have you already tried?

Anyway, there are a bunch in the Jianshi area.

Google Maps


Google Maps

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I tried this one

trying to find links to the others but let me check those out, thanks

How much are campsites in taiwan? What is the maximum length of stay?

The other one I tried was 戈巴侖露營區

I ended up using this and got a great camp site. Hope this helps people!

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I’ve seen them as low as 500 to as high as 5,000. It could even get higher but I usually avoid those so I don’t look much. I never paid more than 1,000nt/per night for a spot.