Any weekend Chinese Classes in Changhua or Taichung?

Hi all,

I have been in Changhua for about 6 months now. I was wondering if anyone knows about part time mandarin classes in Taichung or in Changhua city. Since I work, I am left with very little time on the weekdays. Also, I bought some books on learning Chinese, but realized I am not much of a self learner, I need some class room interaction to get going. Plus I felt it would also give me chance to meet people who are learning the language. Any suggestions would be very appreciated. Thanks!!


Hi Anant,

I run an online course that you can try. I also offer private one on one classes using qualified Chinese teachers for $300 NT per hour, either using Skype or at my office in Taichung. You can PM me for more details.


The Changhua community college runs beginner classes on Tuesday or Wednesday night 7-9pm. I think for weekend classes you are SOL unless you get a private tutor.