Anyone Else Had Dog Hot Pot?

Sounds good actually.

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Ha, no. They work damn hard to bring me joy. Wouldn’t be right

I thought it was available in Italy. a friend smuggled horse fat from his trip there maybe ten years ago. Maybe laws have changed.

What kind of sick animal is your friend


Of the extreme carnivore variety.
I didn’t even try it.

Yeah, soft spot for the ponies aside, I think I would have to pass

Horse meat is no big :banana: taboo.
You can go to well fancy restos in Montreal that offer entrecote du chaval.

Like any other meat, most horse that is slaughtered comes from active working animals, so it’s stringy and tough AF, and, along with government inspection practices, ends up being only allowed for sale as pet food.
Trust me, you wouldn’t be interested in a steak from a cow that spent its life at hard labour.

Ask @Dr_Milker

Hot dogs (sausages) in the pot. I don’t eat hot pots during Summer. But, I had those mini sausages in the hot pot in January. People told me they have a lot of chemicals. But, they are not bad if you get once in a while. I only eat with Sacha paste. In the hot pot, I prefer Bok Choy cabbage, tofu and Kani stick.

If you get the chance, try moose. You will love it. Very lean and flavourful. Not gamey.

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Lilith says people do eat horse here. You can buy it from butchers who sell it. I never knew. I like the boar here, makes great ragu and is a popular meat in Tuscany.

I think I had a moose burger once. I remember it’s as you described, low in fat and high in protein. I was told it’s a great meat for athletes for this reason.

Horse roast in the slow cooker. Garlic, red wine, olive oil and rosemary. Maybe some pearl onions. Just let it go all day. Very nice. Have it with a parsnip/potato mash and some sauteed portobello mushrooms.

i’ve had donkey in china. going there again soon and theres something called ‘donkey burger’ looks pretty good.

So now it’s my turn to ask you a meat question… how is boar’s taste different than regular old pork? I’ve wanted to try it for a while.

It’s wayyyy more flavorful. The meat itself is very tender and lean. Slightly gamey but not too much. Very juicy. It taste more like beef than pork. But generally more lean than beef and slightly more gamey. I absolutely love it. It’s one of my favorite meats to eat. They call it cinghiale.

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Rabbit is also a common meat. Very good if you know how to prepare it.

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Oh, I’m a fan of rabbit. I’ve never prepared it myself though. Do you know rabbit is such a lean meat that if it’s the only thing you eat for a couple weeks you’ll starve to death as your stomach will become confused and start consuming itself. That’s because it’s all protein with almost no fat. Weird, but true.


Wow, I never knew that. I’m going to start adding more rabbit for my protein intake. I usually get enough fat intake so no worries about that. I mostly use chicken/beef/pork since I know what to do with them. Pidgins are also common to eat here in Tuscany. Tuscany is known for having great meat and a lot of meat dishes.

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I read cats are called roof rabbits because they say when you cut off the head, paws, tail, and skin it they look exactly like rabbit. No idea if they taste the same.