Anyone lived in Malaysia before?

Okay H. Cow, what is the correct form?

That’s all a matter of perspective. The quarters I was referring to is Thirdwavefeministan.

Let me know when you find an answer. Until then, I’ll put fiancé in the same boat as actor. (Actron never really caught on.)

No no no. But id like to have one in th next 5 years. So it at least gives me a chance to beat the kid at basketball :grinning:

But I’ve been considering moving, it’s just so hard to pick a place where both parties want to and can go. We were considering London but my lack of degree is making it hard for me to work in many places so I’ve decided to just get that damn piece of paper

Yeah; she has a very negative view of the US

We won’t be living in KL, about a hour outside of it. But I’m happy that flights to Thailand would be cheap for me To go train and take some fights.

That’s the thanks we get for saving their asses from the Nazis. Does she realize that her boyfriend is American?

There’s your answer. Go to Thailand.


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A: What did he say?
B: I don’t know. I don’t speak French!

Does Andrew forget he’s American?

No lies. I sometimes forget. For good reason too.

Telltale giveaway: he talks about guns a lot. :grin:

If spending power is important for you internationally and 100k is not high enough the US is practically your only option. At least one of your only options. Maybe you can inform her that. Six figure salaries don’t grow on trees. Especially not trees outside of America.

I assume she didn’t have a great impression of Taiwan before or after she came over.

I know the thread is about Malaysia, but maybe you can throw a curve ball and see if she’s willing to give the US a try?

Would it be impossible for you to change residency in the states from…wherever it is now to where you want to go and apply for a state college in that state? Cheaper tuition for in-state citizens!

100k in NTD

It was on the list of places. But she’s not interested at all. Plus she needs to go to college as well so.

Maybe you could convince her to go to school in one of the more international cities like New York or L.A. (there are no good schools in San Francisco unless you want to study medicine). Those places are like borderline American.

No disrespect to your and her decision on a university in Malaysia, but wouldn’t it look a little better for future employers to see a degree from the states? It is the rest of your (and her) life we’re talking about here. Or at this point, it doesn’t matter where you get it, it only matters that you have a 4 year degree?

It is another 2 years for you and 4 years for her. I know with her, it could be annoying to fulfill the requirements to apply to American schools, but for you, it could just be a matter of paperwork and…ma fan.

Ditto this.

All jokes aside, ask her to give it a chance. Set up a campus tour at a few different kinds of campuses and see how it goes. I’ll be damned if she doesn’t like a school like Pepperdine U. in Malibu. I applied there as my reach for my master’s, visited with my friend and got instantly hooked. It’s like paradise. I’m pretty sure I would’ve taken 4 years to finish instead of the suggested 2 years just so I could stay there.


I know. What I meant is you sound like you need a lot more than that, and money as such is rare pretty much everywhere and is limited to very few sectors such as banking and especially considering what you’d have left after tax. The US is pretty much your only shot, especially considering that you are a US citizen.

I have connections in banking in the U.K. I’m interested in things like that. But again, my lack of degree because of a car accident that left me unable to walk for a while put me in this awkward situation. We are just talking about schools right now. But we both need a degree to get jobs that we are lucky to have our family be able to help us get.