Anyone thinks Taiwan would be better off being still colonized by Japan

They’re basically a pretender government that proclaims to control Taiwan as well as proclaiming Taiwan as part of the US as well, and part of Japan(?) They’re kinda all over the place. They’re not green, they’re not blue. They don’t recognise the government in Taiwan.

They used to have a few offices here and there but largely disappeared from the few offices I used to walk by.

With the fact that their website is barely funded and has many missing pages, they’re more wackos.


Just think of all the mass shootings we’re potentially missing out on!


Here is a typical Japanese street:

They don’t necessarily all have these painted red areas, and this particular street has a “sidewalk-like” area to the left, which is actually not a sidewalk but an area for trees. You see similar designs in Taiwan, mistaken for sidewalks. You can see the electric poles and street signs are in the actual street, like in Taiwan.

This works in Japan because the speed limit on these 1-2 lane streets is lower, and street-side parking is pretty much illegal all over Japan. That makes streets in Japan more pedestrian-friendly, and drivers know that shared streets like this are primarily meant for pedestrians. You often see pedestrians walk down the middle of these streets, and they move over when vehicles approach.

Of course, they do also have wider multilane roads meant for vehicles, with actual sidewalks.


Japan, at least in my limited experience visiting there several times, has the most deferential drivers in Asia. They always yielded and never drove aggressively as far as I could tell. I never once felt tense or on edge crossing the street there, a feeling I have constantly navigating Taiwan’s ramshackle road system with its army of blue truck bombers, bus driving brutes, and BMW buffoons.


I agree–lots of pus: Dr. Roger C. S. Lins lawsuit endorsed by Chen Shui Bian - Politics / Taiwan Politics - Forumosa

Practising for the invasion. PLA soldiers won’t know what hit 'em.







Japan ruled with an iron fist. Imperial Japan even treated their own citizens badly, let alone foreigners.

If imperial Japan still ruled Taiwan they would make 228 look tame.

Are you sure about that?

Have you ever heard stories from your Japanese friends about their grandparents being oppressed by their government? I haven’t.

Their only mistake was invading and colonizing other countries. (Of course the Allied countries also did that, but it’s off-topic.)

Most Taiwanese who experienced both Japanese and KMT rule would probably say the KMT was much worse. That’s why 228 happened in the first place. They were protesting the oppressive and corrupt KMT.

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Where I live TL would get schooled on his views. The Japanese were tough but if you followed the rules then everything was fine. The KMT was corrupt and slaughtered people because they considered that they were traitors who could not be considered to be “Chinese”


One Indigenous grandma I know would say about the Japanese: They have manners, and hygiene!

Of course the Japanese political class is also responsible for all manner of terrible things committed against her people.



We would get attacked and left in a rubble. The UK is already the 51st state , so it would have to be 52nd

Interesting. I’ve always thought it was the other way around. You won’t believe how much American politicians try to suck up to the British.

Man, I love JP and its ppl, but they did frigging inhumane shite in China, Korea and the territories they conquered in SEA. They really went down the worst road possible, the only thing which they missed from the Nazis were huge concentration camps, but the showers and crematoria were up and running very busily in Harbin thanks to their “scientific” experiments there… And still got out of it relatively unscathed and with much less stigma than the Germans.

As I said, I love them and their culture, but man, besides Taiwan which they treated as a sort of experiment to show they were better than the West at colonies, everywhere else JP was a brutal, sadic and ruthless war criminal.

Do I wish that TW went on as a JP territory or UN trustship or US administered territory instead of ROC governed? Yeah, most likely a UN trustship would have been the best choice, but CKS needed a token of appreciation of anti-communism, still being JP was just not possible and politically inconvenient, going to the US (like Okinawa) was not seen as practical by the US and the diplomatic intelligentsia there.


The crazy amount of dealing and horse trading from say 1945 to 1952 is nuts. It didn’t help that Chiang lost to the CCP and then the Korean War broke out . . . all sorts of variables outside Taiwan’s control which nevertheless deeply affected Taiwan’s political future.



Say what now?

Japan has been weak for 40 years. Their deliberate, perfectionist way of doing things is outdated for the fast pace of modernity. Chabuduo rules the day.

I’m grateful for their contributions to Taiwan’s sports, police and educational systems, but people are clearly batdoodoo crazy.


LMFAO but yeah I do agree , Most things are very “Cha bu dwo” these days or in English it would be “That will just about suffice”, “Pretty much done”, “Does the job for now”.

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Thank you for the list of parallel vocabulary from outside Taiwan.

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If we are just talking about better off than being governed by the ROC, then I think yes, the people who were already living in Taiwan prior to 1945 would be in a better position had Taiwan still be a part of Japan post WW2.

If you are talking about if that is ideal, then no, being colonized by anyone isn’t ideal.