Anyone who was denied emergency medical service due to positive COVID test

There are several forum members as well as people on the news who has had emergency medical services delayed due to positive COVID tests, I encourage you to raise hell. As this is caused by government rules and their unwillingness to bend them, if any of you suffered permanent damage be sure to sue the government for this.

This page has information on how to sue apply to the government for compensation.

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Nothing to do with suing. It’s how to apply for compensation.

I thought it’s all one and the same. But I encourage anyone who had this happen to do this.

That will surely get them to change the rules right away.

You’re probably right. Is it the city government trying to sic people onto the central government?

I’m not sure it matters. Taiwan isn’t a Federal republic, so local and central government is one and the same. They are not independent sovereigns.

No but Ko hates Chen. :grinning:

That link is for Taipei City. I wonder how it could help others in the rest of our nation.
