Apocalyptic solar flares 2022-2023

I keep seeing stories about this, and this headline is the scariest so far. Hopefully it won’t knock out power or coms

‘Cannibal’ Coronal Mass Ejection Will Hit Earth at Nearly Two Million Mph, Scientists Say


I think it already happened? I do remember my friend said something and wasn’t sure what they were on about lol.

Reminds me of don’t look up.

Yeah, that crossed my mind when I skimmed this article and saw it would take like 15 hours for the solar storm to reach us, because I’m sure I’ve been seeing reporting about this for a few days now… I thought maybe there has been a series of storms :person_shrugging:

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So I guess nothing happened?

Taking a look at Google news results for ‘solar storm’, it seems there is no reason to keep reporting this, because it already reached us and nothing happened. My bad.


There’s always next time


Maybe cats have suddenly become self aware and is now plotting the takeover of humanity.


about what one would expect for 2022, now that WW3 has started

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You know Russia is a cat loving country, and they are banned from cat shows.

So now they are going to want payback for this…


Like that movie of Nicolas Cage : KNOWING .
Just hope we also get a Music Score like Beethoven Symphony 5 at the background of our end haha.

Why so much solar activity? Sun may be outpacing predictions.

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edit - favorite part is @ 10:11. I want to make one of these!

Does anyone else hate thinking about how the sun will eventually explode lol

It gets easier when you realize that’s a few billion years out, also, our sun, if I recall correctly, is not a great candidate for supernova.

This reminds me of a sci fi novel, which I really enjoyed, but I always forget the title, will try to find it


hopefully soon

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That’s what I was hoping with COVID… We really don’t deserve the Earth

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pish posh, we absolutely deserve the Earth. Earth on the other hand would have done better if we’d never developed opposable thumbs. Trees. I blame trees.

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I watched this once right before bed: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uD4izuDMUQA

Woke up in the middle of the night feeling genuinely depressed about the future of the universe in so many trillions to so many more trillionth powers of years.

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I thought of linking that one, but figured, nah. But, definitely better watching on the big screen.

Stuff like this can be overwhelming, so don’t forget, for all that time ahead, we at the very least know that it is there. Stars may be big and bright and awesome, but are they aware of it? [that’s only ~80% rhetorical]

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