As a “fat-bottomed” black woman which seems to be translated here as “avoided by men like the plague”, I have given up hope of landing any man during my time in Taiwan, which is why I know I will not be a permanent resident despite how tempting that sounds. I don’t bother trying to compete with the local girls as this and other forums suggest is rather futile to do. The fact is that while muscular boys are pretty to look at, I like my guys bigger…as in their bodies, I mean, you sickos. Not sloppily fat, but thick…can’t quite explain that fascination. And geeky too…I love geeks, but maybe because I was one (and probably still am) for so long.
Oh, and if you were to refer to me as a zeppelin, your ass would go down faster than the Hindenberg.
Just sayin’
Pear-shaped here, as in skinny arms, skinny legs, big bottom, and four months of baby in front. It’s all good though.
I like curves on women too, and will usually notice a nice, curvy xiaojie myself, mostly because I think “chopstick legs” AND no butt AND super-tight jeans look awful. Know what I’m talking about?
Hear hear! (cheers from the gallery and tobacco spits)
My dear fellow, I couldn’t have thought of a more apt description !
No, no, no, Imani – not at all. There are plenty like Judge Melty and my bruv out there, who prefer their girls more fleshy than otherwise. Just as there are many like me and Hex who wax lyrical over the charms of gamine Chinese girls. Thank God we don’t all have uniform standards for what makes people attractive to us – the world would be much duller if it were so, and the competition for our objects of desire would be discouragingly stiff (not to be misinterpreted, please).
No need to even try to explain. Why we find a certain kind of person more attractive than others does not need to be explained or rationalized. Just go with your feelings, and that’s fair enough (unless the object of your desire were one that’s proscribed by our legal and moral codes, such as an underage child, in which case you would need to suppress it and/or seek professional help). There’s no right or wrong about our choice of adult mates, regardless of what body size, race, or even gender we find ourselves inclined to home in on. We should rejoice in whoever it is that sets our hearts pounding, and proclaim our appreciation of their charms over the rooftops. If anyone else gets offended by our liking for a body type different from theirs, then that’s their problem, not ours, and they’re the one that needs to examine their attitude and do something about it.
I hope you’ll soon have luck in finding one of those beefier, more substantial guys to keep you company and warm you to the tips of your toes, Imani.
I agree with ImaniOU, the waifs may be pretty to look at but my sweetheart is my sweetheart regardless of the size of the caboose
I just like women. All shapes and sizes are good. All of them.
No, no, I figured women had been picked on, ogled, and drooled over enough on here so I figured it was time to let the gentlemen have their time in the sun.
I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with my choice of men; it’s just that it’s not a very commonly stated preference. I guess lots of men think women like muscles and tight buns like lots of women think men prefer skinny xiaojies (some of whom I wonder how they manage to stand up on those matchstick legs of theirs). The fact that I am neither thin nor Asian or Caucasian seems to be like a double curse to my social life here in Taiwan. Not to turn this into a race discussion, but if you think there aren’t many foreigner females here, good luck trying to find the black ones. So far I have seen five and that includes my mother when she came here to visit.
I need to amend my original statement of geeks to true southern vernacular which I am not allowed to speak here in Taiwan except on special occasions such as being too drunk to control my accent (only happened once during Moon Festival this year, I swear)…
I lu-uvs me some geeks.
There. I feel better already.
Now that the subject of physical attributes that somehow managed to sneak into the Poster’s Block thread has taken on a life and thread of its own, let’s have some new input on what surely must be a topic of interest to each and every one of us.
I’d like to start by throwing out a question that I sometimes muse on in idle moments: For you foreign guys living here who are married to, shacked up with, playing the field of, or fixated on Chinese girls (or boys if that’s your taste, or you foreign gals with your Taiwanese studs, if applicable), which came first, the coming to Taiwan or the attraction to the lovely object or objects of desire who are the primary reason why many of us could never leave here? That is, did you come to Taiwan because you were aware that the ladies (and/or lads) here are inordinately gorgeous, or did you only find that out after you came?
For me, it was the former. I succumbed to the charms of East Asian girls while I was at university – I recall being gobstopped with lustful awe when I first set eyes on a breathtakingly gorgeous little sylph from Indonesia, and then when a Vietnamese Chinese girl appeared and played similar havoc with my pulse and hormones, I realized that there was something very special about their sloe-eyed, delicate beauty that put all others in the shade. So I went on to explore, loved what I found, and became obsessed. I used to seek out East Asian and especially Chinese girls wherever and whenever I could. I became a familiar figure prowling around Lyle Street and Gerrard Street in London’s Chinatown, and fed my ravenous hunger through books, magazines, films, friendships, and every possible means available. Finally, having realized that I could only be truly happy if I lived in a place where I’d always be surrounded by thousands and thousands of the exquisite objects of my manic passion, I upped and headed for these shores. So how about you other guys, or any of you girls? Do you have a similar story to tell of being ensnared and lured here by the ineffable charms of the local lovelies? Or the same result by a different path? Or something completely different? Or what?
I went to Hong Kong when I was 16. That sealed the deal for me. People who complain to me that Taipei is ugly and smelly are like people who go into a Ferrari showroom and complain that they don’t like the wallpaper.
I just got back from a five day trip down south. A few days ago, I had dinner with my girlfriend’s friends from school. I was the first foreigner any of them had spoken to. They eventually got around to asking me:
“What do foreign men like about Taiwanese women?”
I was sorely tempted to say something like: “Oral sex technique,” but I was dealing with a group of innocents, so I held my tongue. I had no idea how to answer them. I just told them that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which is a bit difficult to say in Mandarin.
They all agreed that they often see foreign men with Taiwanese women who are considered unattractive by locals. Again, I had no idea how to respond. There are some weird attitudes out there.
There are lovely skinny Taiwanese girls, there are lovely portly taiwanese girls and yes the same is the case for caucasians, africans etc.
A major reason behind foreign males preferring local girls is that the selection is big. Back in 1995, there were hardly any western females present in the social circles, I usually hung out in.
I’m a convert. Whilst a teenager I didn’t look twice at Asian women, and my ideal of feminine beauty was a curvy Aryan wench. Travels among bare-breasted highland women in New Guinea put me off breasts (and sex) for a while. During my six months in Asia (Thailand and Burma) I thought the most attractive women were the foreign tourists. The next eight months saw my tastes gradually change.
Tried to fight off the yellow fever after arriving in Taiwan but surrendered after about three months.
There’s still hope for me though. I think Argentinian women and Danish babes (at least the slim ones with high cheekbones) are pretty hard to beat. Ever since I was in love with Agnetha Faltskog (the blonde one in ABBA) I have had a thing for Scandanavians. I considered going to Sweden before coming to Taiwan but the booze is too bloody expensive.
I’ve always been a Taiwanese nipple fan (female, that is).
How on earth is one supposed to be a nipple fan when 99.999999% of Taiwanese nipples is ensconsed in inches of padding?
Years of research and perseverance!
Perhaps Mr. He has a sister or niece he might be willing to introduce to you?
It was Britt Ekland who turned me on to Swedish hotties in my late teens, and even prompted me to buy a Linguaphone Swedish course. But I never did get far with the language, and didn’t have a single opportunity to try out the few sentences I’d learned before I moved on to my Indian phase and forgot all about it.
Indian women, now you’re talking.
Outside of clubs I must say that I have found very few girls/women here cute let alone beautiful. Far less I would say then back home.
Inside clubs is another story where almost all range from damn cute to incredibly sexy. Is it my condition, the lighting or the amounts of beautification products on at the time that makes the difference. Dunno.
Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder.
I have a real preference for East Asian women. Even back in the States growing up, I never had a blond-haired girl… Its not that I don’t recognize the beauty of white girls… I’d have to be blind to do that… And pretty black girls are really nice to look at…
But I like East Asian girls best.
I, however, know exactly – aincha never heard of beer goggles?