Question 1: If my school cancels my ARC while I am back in my home country do I need to get a visitors visa to get back in even though I have a reentry permit stamped into my passport?
Question 2: Are visitor’s visas easier and cheaper to attain in Hong Kong? How long does it take and how much does it cost.
Question 3: If my ARC is cancelled do i need to bring my diploma back to Taiwan or will my old ARC be good enough?
I am still employed by the school and still have not been paid for May. They told me legally my pay cant be given to anyone unless i formally resign and send another letter assigning a proxy. I talked to the labour bureau and they were unhelpful asking me when id be back in taiwan in case he needs to mediate. If I quit from home im quite sure i will be seeing 20,000 less than owed on my salary. Any ideas?
Question 1: If my school cancels my ARC while I am back in my home country do I need to get a visitors visa to get back in even though I have a reentry permit stamped into my passport?[/quote]
The re-entry permit is tied to your ARC. If the ARC becomes invalid so does your re-entry permit.
Please do a search - there are lot’s of threads on the subject (but if I recall correctly HK is the place not to go).
[quote=“captain_fat”]thank you for your timely reply
with regards to question 3: will my old arc be enough to get another job in Taiwan or should i bring back my diploma[/quote]
The ARC only proves that you were employed previously but if you need to prove your qualification I would say bring the diploma (certified copy should do).
If you already have a place to work, you should try to arrange to come in on a resident’s visa if you have enough time. That will save you a lot of unnecessary hassle.