I am in the process of switching my ARC from a bushiban to a magazine.
I knew that my old school would notify the authorities and that my old ARC would be cancelled. I also knew it would take awhile for my new job and the government to process my paperwork for new work permit-- So: I went to the Chung Hua Foreigners’ Police Station and asked for an extension. I explained my situation, but they said since I had the papers showing my new ARC was being processed that there was no need to get an extension – I just needed to return when the paperwork was finished.
But now: the local Police showed up this morning at my apartment, claiming that I was teaching illegally (not true), and asking my roommate permission to search my room.
I faxed papers to the local Police Station showing that my ARC is in the works, but I still can’t help but worry: was the Chung Hua station mis-informed when they told me an extension was not needed during the (month-long) period of switching ARCs? Is there any recourse I can take if this is the case?