ARC/Work question

I’m living in Taiwan with my parents who are legitimate ROC nationals and I obtained an ARC through this relation. According to article 51, does that mean:

  1. Am I eligible to work as a normal citizen and don’t need authorization from a government official?

  2. What about tax? Am I taxed the same as a normal citizen also or am I taxed 20%?

  3. Can I open and own a studio/company?

Any feedback appreciated. Thanks!

  1. No, paragraph two of article 51 states that you need to obtain a work permit. This means applying for an Open Work Permit at the Council for Labor Affairs. Also note that article 51 says that you must also live with your lineal relatives to qualify.

  2. All foreigners have tax withheld at 20% for their first 183 days of residence in Taiwan. This does not mean you pay 20% tax. Your actual tax rate will be based on your number of days present in Taiwan during a calendar year. See the Taxes forum for details.

  3. Once you obtain an OWP you can engage in any work, including self-employment.