Are most Chinese brainwashed by Communists?

Defintely just a troll. This is a repeat of a post at the JT forums where a whole slew of Taidu running dogs have recently turned the entire China subsection of the forums into one giant Taiwan discussion and passive-aggressive China baiting.

Anyone who disagrees with me must have been [color=blue]brainwashed[/color] by[ol]
[li]The communists[/li]
[li]The capitalists[/li]
[li]The KMT[/li]
[li]The DPP[/li]
[li]The CIA[/li]
[li]Bill Gates[/li]
[li]Other bogeyman of your choice[/li][/ol]

…a troll? or worse…a capitalist roader…or a splittist… :astonished:

we know very well what’s in some people’s mind; especially when they are brainwashed by a certain group that would lead to terror and destruction:

[quote=“109”]we know very well what’s in some people’s mind; especially when they are brainwashed by a certain group that would lead to terror and destruction:


p.s. Please discover capital letters.[/quote]

I think I just saw this from the Culture forum:

:eh: :ponder:

Have you lived in Hawaii and seen the push for independence and sovereignty among native Hawaiians?

Here is a quick tidbit.

Students in the US have been brainwashed to believe that Hawaii was annexed as a territory by a local sovereign who wanted her islands to join the US, when the actually story was that she was deceived by Sanford Dole and the islands were annexed through broken promises and a contingent of US Marines.

I would hate to say that they are brainwashed, but they are being brainwahsed, the same way the KMT used to brainwash the people in Taiwan through the facist educational system. Let’s just take a look at what kind of homework assignments the communist would assign to their childrens at the elementary schools.

more here

This is like how the KMT used to print all the anti-communist propagandas, pro-KMT slogans, on the back covers of every notebooks for the school children to read. State controlled medias by the communist in China nowdays in comparing to how the KMT used to controll all 3 TV stations in Taiwan plus all other radio statations and the newspapers in the good old days. Teachings of distorted historical lessons, limiting the flow of free informations, hiding facts and news from people or simply making up false news and stories to shape the way people think.

Why use the past tense? Besides the Falungong people, whose brains the Chinese government is actively attempting to wash free of superstition, there is also what’s-his-name, that doctor who squealed on their SARS cover-up. It seems they’re keeping him out of sight until he comes to his senses about Tiananmen.

That would be Dr. Jiang Yangyong, retired PLA doctor.

He’s my hero.

Yawn. One thing you can almost guarantee though, 109 knows fuck all about China.

Correction: 109 knows fuck all. No need to add “about China”.
Plus a second thing: 109 is a troll.

[quote=“Tetsuo”]Correction: 109 knows fuck all. No need to add “about China”.
Plus a second thing: 109 is a troll.[/quote]

Chinese Communist is troll.

And English grammar are good.

Take your pick:

  1. All people on mainland China are scum and should die tomorrow.

  2. All people on the mainland are brainwashed but know not what they do.

  3. On average people on the mainland are similar to people everywhere but would prefer to toe the line than be shot / lose job or house / get locked up / disappear.

  4. There is no difference between the CCP and all Chinese people living in China. All Chinese people love and adore the CCP and each one personally not only has a strong opinion on Taiwan but also knows where Taiwan is.

  5. People in the PRC not only know who Lei Feng is but also agree that we should learn from him.

  6. People in the PRC couldn’t give a toss about politics and will say whatever they think you want to hear when asked.

  7. Foreigners understand much more about China than people who actually lived through the Great Leap Forward and Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.

  8. Young people in China when faced with the choice between enjoying China’s economic boom and voicing anti-CCP opinions will always choose the latter.

  9. People who write books about China know a lot about China.

  10. People who write books about China are likely not to have a baldy clue about China and have been predicitng the imminent demise of China since the 1950s.

  11. China is one huge homogenous lump and therefore sentences with “China this” and “China that” in them are meaningful. This is especially true in sentences such as “Mainland Chinese are different from Taiwanese” because as previously stated all mainland Chinese are the same and all Taiwanese are the same, thereby making the differences easy to spot.

  12. Similarly all people from Birmingham are the same. And iverpool.

  13. Sorry. Some scouser nicked my “L”.

  14. The people that really know about China are Americans and Europeans who spent a few months there and now live in Taiwan.

  15. People who think economics matters more to the CCP than politics are wrong now, have always been wrong, and will continue to be wrong.

  16. Deng Xiaoping opened up China to the West out of the goodness of his heart to make Chinese people rich.

  17. The CCP has allowed SEZs and FOEs to flourish in certain areas and prevented the development hitherto of a mercantile Chinese middle class because foreigners and Taiwanese can always be kicked out if politics dictates.

  18. China needs the West / Taiwan more than the West / Taiwan needs China.

  19. If the Taiwanese / Foreigners were kicked out of China tomorrow, the West and Taiwan would be fine but China would disappear overnight in a tumult of revolution. The CCP would be heartbroken and crushed instantly like it was in 1986 and 1989 and er… um…

  20. But Taiwanese girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. No amount of politicking or armchair generalling will ever change that. And we should fight to the last man and bullet to protect them.

I’m reporting you silly people to the nearest neighbourhood watch lady, and I’m bringing my little red book.

Then I’m goin to your home country, and make silly posts about how such and such people are god-forsaken nincompoops who should listen to what I say, because I’m an outsider and I have the benefit of infinite wisdom. And then I will sit smugly in my computer chair in my little room while pm’ing my fellow know-it-alls.

I’d say that ordinary Chinese people (not Tibetans or something) are well aware that their government lies to them constantly, just as Americans are well aware of Bush’s untruths. And yet, both population groups get a rush out of being patriotic against places that don’t really matter to us personally (Taiwan, Iraq). It’s like football that way. The Chinese are a lot less patriotic when it comes to domestic issues like, whether to privatize their factories or sell their neighborhoods to a developer.

Have you lived in Hawaii and seen the push for independence and sovereignty among native Hawaiians?

Here is a quick tidbit.

Students in the US have been brainwashed to believe that Hawaii was annexed as a territory by a local sovereign who wanted her islands to join the US, when the actually story was that she was deceived by Sanford Dole and the islands were annexed through broken promises and a contingent of US marines.[/quote]

Oh please. Most of these pushy “Hawaiians” are not native Hawaiians but mixed race or of other Asian ancestry. The native Hawaiian government was just as corrupt and full of it (legalized opium, anyone?) as the big bad white men.

Statehood – A Second Glance – Guest essay by Poka Laenui (Hayden F. Burgess)
