Are most intercultural relationships in Taiwan doomed?

Yes manipulative to much… but what is gone girl…haha…(: yes B you are right but I think she got involved even dow her sinester plan was to use me… I just don’t get way people do that it’s so lame…and manipulative in my opinion is actually because th person is weak in my opinion.
I’m not blaming the culture just saying there are things that really don’t help.

And I do think there is a truth in Taiwanese and Japanese culture pretending to be your friend or faking emotions and demonstrating force trough making you think you are a part of a group then showing you, you are not.but that is my opinion according to my experience and exposure to the cultures.

Actually, from what you’ve written, she just sounds like a bad person, a user. There was probably no chance of being “great together” right from the start.


In many ways you are right, I was thinking and feeling that from the middle and many months after it ended, I guess although I complain a lot I’m a very positive person underneath and believe in good in people’s hearts,she is a complex person and suffered a great trauma when she was young, but I also think she got all she wanted since she was a kid so she wouldn’t value someone who is good to her and realy cares,much,she will prefer her fake cool friends…

You just met an individual who is not good. Plenty of great Taiwanese ladies who love to travel.

Oof just read your post above. Picking up broken pieces is not a good path.


Not all people with trauma are undateable. The ones who aren’t aware of or don’t work on themselves are, though…

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Yea she was great with traveling…the idiot part of me miss that and maybe willing to give everything this moment to travel with her a few more months, but she was definitely bad to me so I’m happy the idiot is not incharge most of the times.
Agree it’s mostly when a person is not aware, but not so easy to be aware…
Gone girl…haha… doesn’t seem to be a connection between the movie and what you said, but I haven’t watched it…

I think it’s more something that a bi polar person does.

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Depends. If it’s an unconscious act, it’s bi-polar. If it’s conscious or calculated, it’d be sociopathic.

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Girls will respect you more if you learn how to say “no” to them, whatever country they are from.

Best of luck.


Well that’s a nice idea, realitionship are more then an idea or a smart sentence that makes you feel better… good luck to everyone…(:

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No is a powerful word for a woman to hear. Especially ones that usually get their way.


Yeah if it’s calculated to manipulate on purpose. A former friend of mine had bi polar disorder and the hot and cold thing was definitely annoying with him. His mom has it, and his on and off gf at the time had it. It was a constant shit show with him.

I have it a little, but I’ve learned to control it. Meditation and other mind over matter techniques. Better than taking pills imo.

My mom has it worse, but age has mellowed her so instead of having tantrums, now she just gets quiet and moody.

Moral of the story: we’re all messed up. Many different ways to cope.




Jim Morrison’s alive and well.

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He’s lost a lot of weight.


Intercultural relationships can work, you’re totally right.