Are ordinary Russians innocent?

The other topsy turvy thing I saw today was thousands of Ukrainian refugees sheltering in Turkey. And all being waved through and given accommodation, based on the article I saw.

Also saw an article that mentioned a single parent father who sent his kids aged 12 and under to Poland with no plan and stayed to fight.

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Except that wasnā€™t the only thing that happened. War in Donbas began in 2014 and many people died there too.

I agree, except I donā€™t find that a valid excuse at all. Their ignorance is their own problem.

I donā€™t think it would look particularly low market if you do a street interview near Taipei 101 either.

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Yep but they have many beautiful cities there supposedly. Or did. Odessa ļ¼ŒLviv, Kharkiv, Kviv. Some of them Iā€™d never heard of before. Sad.

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My point is those youtube videos are always filmed in good-looking locations. If you venture slightly into the outskirt it would probably look horrific.

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Yep probably could find a chou dofu stand on a corner somewhere.


Iā€™m sure every location was ok untill the bombs started, maybe some air pollution. Cross fingers he doesnā€™t go there with the chemical weapons

Iā€™m guessing Mariupol is Mary City which is kinda heartbreaking when you see what is happening to Mary city

We assumed that no one would do that

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I was thinking Kyiv looked better than say, Dublin, which just looks very bland. Especially considering it probably rains and is really cold almost all the time.

I mean they would probably look like this.

One can probably find the same situation in Russia, Moldova etc.

Yeah, Ukraine is a former Soviet Republic. Spend some time on Street View and outside the city centre and youā€™ll find commie blocks everywhere. If one wants to compare, compare Xinyi to Kievā€™s city centre

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Free air con. No droughts

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Rainy bland is perfectly fine if the rain isnā€™t bombs.

Talking about the weather, lol

Priorities gain, priorities

Itā€™s hard to blame people like that. As you say, they get all their news from state-controlled TV. For similar reason itā€™s hard to blame, for instance, the retired US farmer who supported the war in Iraq (but doesnā€™t have a clue where Iraq is on the map) because all he hears is how Husseinā€™s the next Hitler and has WMD and the US has to invade to prevent more terrorist attacks.

I once sat in a kitchen in Russia with a typical babushka. She now recognised Stalin as a zver (beast) but remembered how everyone adored him when she was young. She said she opposed ā€œethnic Russian being bulliedā€ in places like Ukraine because you hear a lot about that on State TV. Her and her late husbandā€™s favourite movie (Iā€™ve no idea why it so resonated with them): The Last Samurai starring Tom Cruise, a film, according to her, about China and the Chinese samurais.

Most educated Russians supported the annexation of Crimea (I didnā€™t, although I feel the Western media distorted what happened there, and also that the Westā€™s reaction was hypocritical). Many, including opponents of Putin, were also concerned about things like Nato expansion and the hysterical anti-Russian tone in the Western media. This war, however, is something very different, and my feeling is thereā€™s a great deal of hidden opposition to the war among educated Russians.

Yep, Odessa looks magnificent. Nothing like this in Taiwan. By appearance large part of Taiwan looks like Cuba. With streets devolpment stopped in 50s

Yeahļ¼Œ I have been thereļ¼Œ pretty grotty in most parts. Lots of concrete housing projects and pollution. Of course the tourist areas are nice. The same is true of Poland.

I thought I mentioned this article 'way back when, but I canā€™t find it on the board, so maybe I just read it and didnā€™t share it.

Back in 2013, @Nuit shared another article about events in Aleppo, but not about the bombardment.

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Right back on topic


It isnā€™t hard to blame people like that. I donā€™t know is not an excuse.

This is exactly why Russians are guilty. Itā€™s the same with Chinese people.

Yeah, Putin happened to Ukraine. CKS happened to Taiwan.

Before the KMT occupation, most cities are beautiful in Taiwan as well.

I believe Moscow and St. Petersburg are as rich as Scandinavian countries (well used to be at least). The rest of the country is piss poor though.

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Then people from the US, the UK and Australia are guilty a fortiori - after all thereā€™s some level of democracy in these countries and somewhat easier access to objective media.

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