You don’t want to die, you say. Yet no mention whatever is made that you WOULDN"T enjoy dressing up in a Hello Kitty suit.
You’re a damn pervert!
If she gets out the open-crotch Hello kitty panties for you, make sure they’re the satin kind and not the cheaper polyester, as they can tend to chafe. That’s what Lord Lucan told me, at least.
Roger that chaffing.
Personally I’d go for the Doraemon suit. Open it up a bit…Wooo Hoo!
At risk of stating the obvious, then.
If she’s scaring you to death, or even just scaring you more than you’re comfortable with, why can’t you just tell her to fuck off and leave you alone? politely at first, of course. Tell her you’re completely gay and not interested in her. Tell her anything you want, really – if you’re not interested in her, what do you care, after all?
If on the other hand, you’re not averse to playing a bit of hide the chipolata with her, then tread very carefully. Clinging and immature lasses like this can be a bit tiresome should you ever tire of them. A woman scorned and all that.
Don’t do it, kid.
Psychoxiaojies are real…it’s not pretty if you ever want to break up with her. I’ve seen some women go totally nuts. She may be cute but remember that there are thousands of other cute girls in Tainan.
[quote=“Springfield”]Well, she’s cute so i was gonna give her a chance.
If i didn’t find her attractive i would resort to the “fuck off, i’m gay i like men” method…
I think i’ll go to the movies with her and then secretly run out if she starts to frighten me.[/quote]
Translation man is here:
Well, she’s cute so i was gonna give her a chance[/quote]
“She’s way doable and I wanna see if I can pitch straight to the mitt.”
If i didn’t find her attractive i would resort to the “fuck off, i’m gay i like men” method…[/quote]
“I mean, she’s WAAAAY doable and I might kick myself if I didn’t have a go.”
“We’ll see if I get a hadji in the theatre and then go out for a pitcher of Long Islands…I mean, she’s doable. Did I say that already?”
Ah good job at reding between the lines
It wasn’t …er. hard.
[quote=“Springfield”]Yeah i know haha
i just had to sugarcoat my secret intentions somehow.[/quote]
But if I was you, I’d go with Quentin’s advice on this one. Err on the side of caution. Honestly, if half of what you say is true, and not an exaggeration, then this seems to be the kind of girl that after you’ve shagged her, you own her. If you don’t want to “own” her anymore, you’re gonna be in for a whole world of sh*t.
But hey, if the crap hits the fan, post it and let us know how it all turns out. It’s always fun to read about girls calling folks up at 3am, 3:01 am, 3:02 am, waiting for them outside their apartments, screaming at them in the street as they pass by… And that’s just getting warmed up. Wait till they get the acid out…
Seriously, unless she’s a keeper, whatever you do, DON’T shag her.
Just my five cents worth.
[quote=“Springfield”]Nothing i posted was an exxageration, i actually left some things out…
I think i’m gonna get into this just to see how messed up things become… i’m only in Taiwan for a year anyway.[/quote]
Well, keep us posted. I’d love to hear how this one turns out.
Just thought of something. If you’re from Canada, tell her you’re American. If you’re from the States, tell her you’re Canadian etc… Just in case she tries to follow you home after the end of the year.
[quote=“jdsmith”][quote=“Springfield”]Well, she’s cute so i was gonna give her a chance.
If i didn’t find her attractive i would resort to the “fuck off, i’m gay i like men” method…
I think i’ll go to the movies with her and then secretly run out if she starts to frighten me.[/quote]
Translation man is here:
Well, she’s cute so i was gonna give her a chance[/quote]
“She’s way doable and I wanna see if I can pitch straight to the mitt.”
If i didn’t find her attractive i would resort to the “fuck off, i’m gay i like men” method…[/quote]
“I mean, she’s WAAAAY doable and I might kick myself if I didn’t have a go.”
“We’ll see if I get a hadji in the theatre and then go out for a pitcher of Long Islands…I mean, she’s doable. Did I say that already?”
JD smith would make a good father to a girl some day. Hell, I wish I had known you in college would have saved a lot of tissue.
[quote=“Springfield”][quote=“bismarck”][quote=“Springfield”]Nothing i posted was an exxageration, i actually left some things out…
I think i’m gonna get into this just to see how messed up things become… i’m only in Taiwan for a year anyway.[/quote]
Well, keep us posted. I’d love to hear how this one turns out.
Just thought of something. If you’re from Canada, tell her you’re American. If you’re from the States, tell her you’re Canadian etc… Just in case she tries to follow you home after the end of the year.[/quote]
Damn she already knows about my american-ness…
I’ll just tell her i’m from California or something…
Anyway my year hasn’t been too eventful so far, so i think i’m just gonna go with this for my
(and your)
Bless you! It’s threads like this (and the potential for future entertainment) that makes coming here everday a worthwhile experience.
In all seriousness though. Good luck mate. Really hope things don’t turn (too) ugly.
50 bucks says all this girl is after is free English lessons. No psycho xiaojie would be this pushy for a guy she actually liked, unless she is supermega psycho. And of course, we all know that Micheal Douglas got some amazing sex out of Glen Close’s supermega psycho character in Fatal Attraction before the lady went completely over the edge. Just make sure she doesn’t get your passport number or address in the US and that you are able to make it off the island before she slashes her wrists.
Glen Close was a cow in that film and MD wasn’t NEAR drunk enough to bag her.
Anyway, back on topic. Dude, this girl is curious. And the best, and I mean that word in the truest sense, the best thing to do is to go out with her, have fun, be a gentleman, and don’t bone her in the first four minutes of the date. It is my opinion that she has NO idea what she’s getting herself into by behaving like this (if she is the one calling you 10 times and hanging up) and you might earn a few Karmic chips to play with later on in life by not being Mr Throbbing Penis at this particular juncture.
How’s that for being a Dad, Nama?