Are the Democrats now a Socialist Party?

Although I am sure many Democrats may have some compassion , that allies itself to some of the ideals, I am not sure that a shift so far to the Left will work in the US. Interested to see the opinions of past/present Democrat Voters .
This is not just a “have a go at Dems” post , but I just feel that they may alienate a lot of their base. They have denied it at the higher levels…until now.
Maybe it will work ? Who knows.

I think they have been slowly pushing this. I think recent polls have dem being positive about socialism at over 50% now.

This is it. We have to make our last stand.

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I guess so , but Bernie still had a big portion of Voters with those Policies.

Half those people do not even understand how socialism works. And those that do are just evil.

They (Socialists) got 99.9% of the basement vote, i.e. those college grads with useless degrees that are back at home living in parent’s basement.

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Oh come on. You know well that by socialism they simply mean the Scandinavian model, whether that can be called socialism or not is another issue, but they are not advocating communism or anything that even remotely resembles it.

I don’t think they know the difference. There are a lot of psuedo intellectuals who read Marx once and have never worked a serious job that love this ideology.

Places like Denmark are not socialist, in some way they’re pretty damn laissez faire capitalist. Bernie has openly praised Castro and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua.

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I’m watching the Jack Tapper CNN bot show right now in real time. He and his panel ( two Right talking heads, two Clinton/Obama smilers, but not a four way screaming match which was nice) are talking about the Starbucks guy. I think they think he’s going to split their party bc the Progressive Left has gone so far from the “silent majority” or probable actual cast a ballot voters.


They will probably try to go for the healthcare first, slowly expand obamacare until it’s indistinguishable from the socialist nightmare we all are familiar with, NHI

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Horror! Bloody liberals!

@rooftopclown maybe they will leave the tax rates unchanged on booze and bbq foods :yum:

Those taxes are too damn high! Glad the bloody liberals are not in power. I’m sure Trump will jump in and do something about that as a fellow steak-gobbler.

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It is a nightmare when the gov says you must get it and if you don’t, there’s a penalty.

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Agree, its messed up just as NHI although NHI is much much much worse as you cannot even opt out of it if you get private insurance but you are still stuck with government socialised medicine

Just wait for it, they will try to make it as bad as NHI

This is the problem the Democrats face. If they shift to the left, they will be critcized as statist (go back to W’s election and the rhetoric there). If they don’t go far enough to left, the ideological left will label them corporatist sell outs and won’t show up at the polls.

Dems actually have to govern and concern themselves with policies, and can’t just make up insane lies, make stupid tax cuts and race bait, so they’re mired in this.

The Dems need a candidate that is going to somehow appeal to the idealistic vision of the far left part of their party, yet also play the corporate game. Does this exist?

It would be nice if they could just use Trump’s strategy of discrediting the media at their leisure. Go with that maybe.

This will forever be how I view this type of talking head. Thanks for the visual.

Which tax cuts are you referring to and what was stupid about them?

Why running as a centrist is a bad idea…

That’s the opposite of the author’s point, I know. But never mind his poorly reasoned analysis. The facts in this article support my conclusion, not his.

The Overton window is a social construct. The center is a construct of the Overton window.

(Yes, I just linked to Fox News. Get over it.)

Compassion is just a word.