Are there any Facebook groups or LINE groups for Overseas Chinese on subjects relating to startups in Taiwan?

as a Taiwanese Canadian, I was hoping to connect with y’all

Do you have Taiwanese household registration?


Well, you should have an easier time opening up one as you won’t have to deal with the restrictions us foreigners face :stuck_out_tongue:

I have done the process before. I don’t know about Facebook groups or LINE groups for overseas Chinese specifically but I do have experience with it. And a few others here have done it.

I’m Taiwanese Australian and currently in Taiwan exploring the startup environment as well. Do you speak fluent Mandarin? I unfortunately do not (nor can I read or write in Chinese well) and I’m finding that a really big struggle at the moment!

No, there is no Line or FB group for the startup. Hit me up @Wilsonckao @ryner21 if you guys are interested in startups. Disclaimer, Taiwan is a very difficult place to get funding. Even friend at KPMG said so.
Make sure your idea is solid, and scalable. My mistake was going gung ho.

FYI, I am applying to KPMG Startup Boot Camp, and can bring an extra person if interested. Deadline: June 24.

BTW. Taiwanese American here.