Are you annoyed by posters writing bad English?

Are you annoyed by posters writing bad English?

  • Yes, I am annoyed by posters writing bad English
  • No, I am NOT annoyed by posters writing bad English
  • I haven’t seen bad English on this forum yet
  • I am a poster writing bad English, and I will continue posting here
  • I am a poster writing bad English, and I will not continue posting here
  • I a’m a dOg, whence you doesn’t like mai Englisch, sue my pawz!

0 voters

Well, are you?

Why start yet another thread on this? There’s already one in feedback, one in temp. Two too many if you ask me, too.

this is a poll, I love polls, let’s see some numbers :astonished:

[quote=“sandman”]Why start yet another thread on this? There’s already one in feedback, one in temp. Two too many if you ask me, too.[/quote]More than that, there was another a few months ago about people purposely writing bad English. That annoys me. I don’t have a problem with bad English unless it’s done on purpose or to look “kewl”. That option wasn’t there.

He’s speaking on behalf of me too. It’s the “on purpose” thing that pisses me off.

If it’s by a native speaker, then yes.
If it’s by a non-native speaker, then no.

Ah dinnae ken fit ye’re on aboot, ye great big jessie.

I’m annoyed by German and Belgian posters’ jokes in English. Can you add that to the poll, please.

Oh, and by sandman, of course. But that’s a given, yes?

BFM’s English is beautiful. But that’s because he’s a proper Englishman, unlike those fake ones. You know who you are.

NOTE: This post has bean spellchecked and approved by a native English speaker.

A lot of this depends on your definition of ‘bad English’.

Does this include capitalisation, alternate spellings or just poor grammar?

I must add that this is the only forum, among the many that I regularly haunt, that casts aspersions on the writing habits of others, apart from a few pokes at a certain ryanf on bikeforum (but he’s a drunk 16 year old dyslexic by all appearances, unless he’s a smurf).

The CONTENT of the contribution is far more important than the manner of delivery, surely.

And BFM, the spelling of cool is cool, not kewl. Maybe that’s an Australian footballer you are referring to? Nowhere did I suggest that misspelling is wanted or elegant, especially intentionally, unless as a pun: that’d be puerile.

That’s why he put it in quotes, Uro. It was his attempt at irony. But it didn’t come off that well, seeing as how he’s oppressed by the authorities, who were rightfully annoyed by his use of boobies in a post once.

How did he use boobies? I’m intrigued? Are these the same boobies that revealed themselves in a temple? Is BMF the misterious foreigner then?

Yes, I do think they mean rantheman. :laughing:


So where is the poll about annoying polls and polls about snobbing croatians …

[quote=“tash”]I’m annoyed by German and Belgian posters’ jokes in English. Can you add that to the poll, please.

Oh, and by sandman, of course. But that’s a given, yes?

BFM’s English is beautiful. But that’s because he’s a proper Englishman, unlike those fake ones. You know who you are.

NOTE: This post has bean spellchecked and approved by a native English speaker.
[/quote]I think you should not trust whoever approved your post. The bastard makes you sound like Yoda.

[quote=“tash”]I’m annoyed by German and Belgian posters’ jokes in English. Can you add that to the poll, please.

Oh, and by sandman, of course. But that’s a given, yes?

BFM’s English is beautiful. But that’s because he’s a proper Englishman, unlike those fake ones. You know who you are.

NOTE: This post has bean spellchecked and approved by a native English speaker.

A naked Englischman and a Scot komm out of ze tunnel.
The other one has auch five Pounds.

What’s zo bad about it?

Fair dinkum, I reckon yer need a swift boot in the rear if ya think there’s dodgy use of the queens vernacular amongst this mob. Strewth!

Are you Tom’s Friend A?

Do you mean “Tom’s friend, eh?”