Are you totally lost without your SO?

i know i am. i’ve been a good boy this week while my wife’s been gone on a trip(cleaning the house,etc), but i realize how much i forget without her here to remind me, and also how much stuff she does which makes life go a lot smoother.
how well do you get along when your SO is out of town? is it freedom city, or do you degrade down to eating cheetos for lunch, no showers, oversleeping, forgetting half your stuff, etc?

i did pretty well this week. guess that’s because i’m sort of metro. but i’m pretty lost without her, in a lot of ways.

I can manage a day off the booze every few months or so, and even a few days if I’m on medication that can’t be taken with alcohol. But I couldn’t handle a long period away from my loved one. :beer:

I’m fine without him. I eat better. I get more exersize. I soend less money. And, oh yeah, I smile and laugh less.

I get lost after about a week. The first 3 days are bliss. After that I feel I need her to participate in any fun I’m having.

Just wait until you have kids - it gets worse. Once I packed my kids off with my mother and my wife and i were excited to go do adult things. Anyway, after they left we spent about an hour in Rittenhouse park in Philthydelphia trying to think of what to do. …Pathetic…

I’m quite OK without my SO, she’s totally lost without me. :smiley:

I’m ok for a few hours, but I always like to have some alone time anyway. After that it tends to become a little lonely in the house and I’m at a loss what to do with myself. After a while it just gets too quiet. I also tend to eat worse when she’s not around because I don’t see the point of going to all the effort of cooking for one and having no-one to tell me how good the food is… :smiley:
I guess I can be a bit of an attention whore.

Lost is a bit of an exaggeration. I got married later in my life so I didn’t do it out of desperation to have ‘companionship’. Not saying you did either.
2 days is good. I enjoy the quiet time. So does the boy. Longer than that, I worry about her. That causes me to have concern…“Is She O.K.?”

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Lost is a bit of an exaggeration. I got married later in my life so I didn’t do it out of desperation to have ‘companionship’. Not saying you did either.
2 days is good. I enjoy the quiet time. So does the boy. Longer than that, I worry about her. That causes me to have concern…“Is She O.K.?”[/quote]

I think it more a question of your daily habits and how you build large parts of your life around your SO & family - what do you fill it with when they are not there?

[quote=“Elegua”]I think it more a question of your daily habits and how you build large parts of your life around your SO & family - what do you fill it with when they are not there?[/quote]Elequa -
I have a home office so I work at home during the day. I was thinking about this post when I just went o the bathroom. I had a life before I married her - and she did likewise. It is/was not a matter of finances. We both were comfortable before marriage. So together its good for us.
I guess to answer your Q - I work. When they are here I sometimes work and mostly enjoy being with them.
Ita all good…mostly.

Interesting, I told my SO this when she went away for a week. 3-4 days was brilliant, I was like a kid in a sweetshop the first day. By day 4 was startingto miss her and by the time she came back was all over her.

On the survival front I eat better, cook, and live in a cleaner environment when she’s not around.

When she is home I wake up at 8 at saturdays and sunday and end up surfing internet until she gets up and then it’s too late to get annything done.

When she is out off country I get up at 8. Eat a good brekfast and make some bread witch I leave for rising wile I head off to Animals Taiwan to walk som 4 leged friends and put the bread in the oven when I get back home.

Last time she was gone 4 week’s I gained 5kg off mucles because I went to Brazilian jui jitsu 2 times a week and spend 3 evnings a week in the gym.

I lost them again once she got back.

I love her, but I think my body is bether off singel.

Before him I did 2 hours of yoga a day. Now more like 5 a week.
Before him I walked hours every day. We get into fight because I want to walk places and ask “Can’t I just meet you there?” But he insists that I inhale exhause fumes on the back of his scooter.
Before him I never ate any noodles or white rice. And always had oats and fruits every day. Now I am still better than average in this regard, but not as much as I used to be.
But whatever. Laughter is good for the heart. So I might be healthier with him around anyways.

[quote=“SuchAFob”]Stian: EXACT SAME STORY!!!

Maybe we should let them see eatch other and then we could go for a walk :howyoudoin:

I allways have oat on my table :wink: