Arecibo Message & Reply from space?

Anyone familiar with the Arecibo message may/may not be aware that a reply was received
Does Anybody believe that is from another world, or just an elaborate hoax? I’m curious, as the effort is pretty impressive.

Just askin!

That makes me mad. How would they like it if we went over to their planet and messed up their crops? Not very much I bet.

Does anyone still even believe that crop circles are real, especially after Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, who started it all, revealed it was all a prank?

[quote=“Dr. McCoy”]That makes me mad. How would they like it if we went over to their planet and messed up their crops? Not very much I bet.[/quote]They would like anal probes even less. Or maybe they wouldn’t…

Hey Criss,

A lot of stuff to go though,but very informative.

In regards to the Arecibo crop circles, I remember reading about it a while ago and just dismissed as another, maybe it is maybe it isn’t crop circle.

Here are some veiws from both sides of the fence:

If this was a hoax, I give full marks to all who were involved.

Interesting links, Wildcard.

Personally, I find it all very spooky. Some of these formations are huge, far too precisely drawn and too perfectly asymmetrical for some dudes flattening wheat with planks or snow shoes tied to their feet to make. Just try to flatten a perfect circle of only 50 feet in diameter. Good luck!

[quote]Does anyone still even believe that crop circles are real, especially after Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, who started it all, revealed it was all a prank?[/quote]It started long before these guys were even born…

Very spooky…


Well, one of the pieces of equipment needed would be a 25-foot rope!

[quote][i]In September 1991 two English men, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, stepped forward to take credit for the entire crop circle phenomenon.

According to this pair, who were both in their 60s, their activities had begun as a lark back in the late 1970s. They had wanted to fool people into thinking that UFOs had landed. Their hobby had then gradually evolved into an obsession, involving night after night of circular toil in the fields of England.

The tools of their trade were disarmingly simple, being nothing more than wooden planks and string. Armed with this equipment, the two were able to demonstrate the ability to fashion crop circles similar to many that had been found.

But cerealogists noted that it strained credibility to think that the pair had created all the hundreds of circles that had been found in the past decade, and they certainly could not have been responsible for the circles outside of England.

The media hyped Doug and Dave’s revelation, and as a consequence many dismissed the entire phenomenon of crop circles as their work. But over time even circle skeptics began to question Doug and Dave’s confession. What evidence was there to support their claim of having created hundreds of circles throughout the 80s? Were they themselves just publicity seekers? To this day these questions have not been answered, leaving it unclear how many circles Doug and Dave were actually responsible for.[/i]


Scientific analysis

[i]In 2002, Discovery Channel commissioned 5 aeronautics and astronautics students from MIT to create crop circles of their own. Discovery’s production team consulted with crop circle researcher Nancy Talbott, who provided them with three attributes which she believed set “real” crop circles apart from known man-made circles such as those created by Doug and Dave.[33] These criteria were:

  1. Elongated apical plant stem nodes
  2. Expulsion cavities in the plant stems
  3. The presence of 10-50 micrometer diameter magnetized iron spheres in the soils, distributed linearly

Over the course of a single night the team were able to create a stereotypical “man-made” circle which they then attempted to enhance using the three criteria. The team used lengths of rope to plot their design and trampled the wheat down in a spiral pattern using lengths of wooden board attached to loops of rope. To meet criterion 2, they constructed a portable microwave emitter; using it to superheat the moisture inside the corn stalks until it burst out as steam. To meet criterion 3 they built a device - dubbed the “Flammschmeisser” - which sprayed iron particles through a heated ring. However, the device proved to be too time consuming to use and they were forced to finish the task using a pyrotechnic charge to distribute the iron around the circle. The circle was later analyzed by graduate students from MIT, who declared it to be “on a par with any of the documented cases”. Their conclusion was later questioned by Talbott, noting that the team had only been able to recreate 2 of the 3 criteria. Talbott also expressed concerns that the iron particles were not distributed laterally. Furthermore, she felt that the team’s use of night vision headsets and other technologically advanced items would be out of reach for the average hoaxer.

The creation of the circle was recorded and used in the Discovery channel documentary “Crop Circles: Mysteries in the Fields”.[/i][/quote]


Would hoaxers really go to that extent to make their crops circles so distinguishable? Portable microwave emitter? Pyrotechnic charge? Spraying iron particles? I think we can rule out Doug and Dave out of that one, at least. They used only strings and planks.

I find it spooky. Period.


I can’t imagine anything easier. :laughing:

why isn’t this in the crap sanctuary?

and german police closed down a Scientology kindergarten today. more crap.

Of course they would.

Sure. Other people besides Doug and Dave did many of them. Copycat pranksters, and so forth. All people having fun at the expense of the credulous.

It’s possible, I agree. Having fun and making money!

[quote][i]Although farmers have expressed concern at the damage caused to their crops, local response to the appearance of a crop circles can often be enthusiastic, with locals taking advantage of the tourist potential of circles. Past responses have included Buses or helicopters tours of circle site, walking tours, t-shirts and book sales. Potential markets include curious tourists, scientists and crop circle researchers, and individuals seeking a spiritual experience by praying to and communing with spirits.

In 1996 a circle appeared near Stonehenge and the farmer set up a booth and charged a fee. He collected £30,000 in four weeks. The value of the crop had it been harvested was probably about £150.[/i][/quote]

