Arrival - Taiwan allows $10000 US or $100000 TWD to enter without declaring

What data are you fishing for this time?


I thought the same.

Looks like it will be a thing in Europe soon though:

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…and has been a thing in the US for quite some time (and even more expensive!). Quote from the article:

The cost: €7 ($7.35) for those aged between 18 and 70. It’s not yet clear if others will have a reduced rate or will be able to apply for free. In comparison, the US charges $21 for an ESTA authorization.

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I have a friend who works for a Japanese motor company. He lives in the US, but often makes trips to Canada with huge cash payments to other subsidiaries. It makes no sense at all.

I’m fine with this sort of thing and have come to prefer it, honestly – it’s a nice legal confirmation as you say, with witnesses, of whatever transaction is happening.

Still the amount of hard cash a Real Estate office and other kinds of business anywhere can handle on any given day can be staggering. It also leads Japanese to do pretty stupid things when travelling. Luckily Taiwan is also pretty safe.

At any rate I doubt that Taiwanese customs are going to have an issue with any Japanese loaded with yen coming into the country, over the limit or not. (Unless it’s a specific case they’re already following for whatever reason.)