I think this article hits on some important points, but it stereotypes guys who would rather have an Asian woman as being looking for someone submissive to dominate. I think the whole term Asian fetish is in fact a ploy by nationalistic elements in Asia to try to stigmatize inter-racial relationships.
What a pile of shit. I know loads of guys in Taiwan who are selfish, arrogant know-it-alls with fragile egos and a tendancy to externalize problems, and they don’t really go for the locals. See; disproved.
Racist claptrap. Asian fetish? Faaaaack off!
I came here on a jaunt. With a hot white woman. We split. Her choice, not mine. I then hooked up with a string of Asian women and later married one. Because I have an Asian fetish? Don’t be a prat. Because I have a woman fetish. I like women. Most of the ones here are Asian, unsurprisingly. You take what’s on the table.
[quote=“sandman”]Racist claptrap. Asian fetish? Faaaaack off!
I came here on a jaunt. With a hot white woman. We split. Her choice, not mine. I then hooked up with a string of Asian women and later married one. Because I have an Asian fetish? Don’t be a prat. Because I have a woman fetish. I like women. Most of the ones here are Asian, unsurprisingly. You take what’s on the table.[/quote]
Right. When in Rome, do the Romans.
I allways prefered tall girls with dark hair, but I newer exspected it to be a asian.
The thing the article seams to talk about is 40-50 year old men going to thailand, philipines and china to get a young girl.
I don’t see that hapening here, I see asians and europeans/americans that is about the same age walking together.
My gf make more money than me and is bether educated. I concider us to be equal and it’s only 1 year separating us.
I can not see how this article relate to realationship here in Taiwan
I really get tired of people who date someone from another race having a fetish or jungle fever or yellow fever or what the hell ever.
If I date a black man I must be trying to piss off my mother.
If I date an asian man, I am a gold digger.
If I date a middle eastern man I have no self respect. (This one pisses me off the most because people HAVE said this to me when I date people of my own race…)
And this isn’t strictly a “white” problem. If a girl here dates whitey, she gets labled. My best friend at home married a white man (she is black) and she gets called an oreo.
Why is it that people can’t see that it isn’t the people who date people of other races who are stereotyping and biggoted, but the people who get so strung up on the fact that these people are dating someone from another race. I mean, I see a man. He makes me laugh. he makes me smile. He makes me feel good. Why the hell should it matter if he is local or what not.
My first boyfriend was vietnamese/chinese. A bunch of people in my area said I was slumming because he was viet. Good god. He was funny and cool and I was 16. Why does race matter so much to these people? Why does it have to be called a fetish?
Asian women are hot. They are thin, petite, have good skin, big brown eyes. What the hell is wrong with a man finding this hot?
Asian women are hot. They are thin, petite, have good skin, big brown eyes. What the hell is wrong with a man finding this hot?[/quote]
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing whatsoever. I hear you sista!
I have a problem with this a lot actually. My highschool girlfriend was Sri Lankan, and my College girlfriend was Taiwanese- now whenever I talk to a asian girl and they find this out they decide I am a creepy guy with an asian fetish who wants to like video-tape them on the can in a pikachu outfit or something…
Also I think that submissive stuff is crap- my Taiwanese gf was the most demanding, independant, and bold girl I’ve met, I was the submissive one if anything- lol I did all the house work and gave her footrubs every night, haha!
maybe i’ve just seen too many fat ass women in louisiana. turns me off.
on the other hand, i think some chinese girls are cute when they’re little fat. so, yeah. i’m a sick MFer i guess.
but the only place i’ve seen the domination thing was some Navy/Army guys. take back your Asain wife and treat her like shit. never figured that one out. power trip. racist. i think that is the true asian fehtish.
i really think people who see a problem with us “normal” guys who prefer asian girls are really projected their racism as “something wrong with us”.
[quote=“SuchAFob”]I really get tired of people who date someone from another race having a fetish or jungle fever or yellow fever or what the hell ever.
If I date a black man I must be trying to piss off my mother.
If I date an asian man, I am a gold digger.
If I date a middle eastern man I have no self respect. (This one pisses me off the most because people HAVE said this to me when I date people of my own race…)
And this isn’t strictly a “white” problem. If a girl here dates whitey, she gets labled. My best friend at home married a white man (she is black) and she gets called an oreo.
Why is it that people can’t see that it isn’t the people who date people of other races who are stereotyping and biggoted, but the people who get so strung up on the fact that these people are dating someone from another race. I mean, I see a man. He makes me laugh. he makes me smile. He makes me feel good. Why the hell should it matter if he is local or what not.
My first boyfriend was vietnamese/chinese. A bunch of people in my area said I was slumming because he was viet. Good god. He was funny and cool and I was 16. Why does race matter so much to these people? Why does it have to be called a fetish?
Asian women are hot. They are thin, petite, have good skin, big brown eyes. What the hell is wrong with a man finding this hot?[/quote] :bravo: :bravo: :bravo:
[quote=“sandman”]Racist claptrap. Asian fetish? Faaaaack off!
I came here on a jaunt. With a hot white woman. We split. Her choice, not mine. I then hooked up with a string of Asian women and later married one. Because I have an Asian fetish? Don’t be a prat. Because I have a woman fetish. I like women. Most of the ones here are Asian, unsurprisingly. You take what’s on the table.[/quote]
[quote=“SuchAFob”]Asian women are hot. They are thin, petite, have good skin, big brown eyes. What the hell is wrong with a man finding this hot?[/quote]