Articles Criticizing Taiwan

severe hyperbole[/quote]
—> Adjectives to Describe Taiwanese Driving

And so it goes: for every single item that young lady had difficulties with you can find a thread or similar comment somewhere in the archives of Forumosa. And similar stories by the dozen can be found on the web about Korea, Japan, and other places. And if you hang out with expats in Arabia (as i had the opportunity to do some time ago) you hear the same gripes about dirt, lawlessness, inscrutable natives and incomprehensible language even from people who’ve been there for years and should know better how to deal with what there is. Most of what you hear or read in those accounts can easily be confirmed as being true, in a way, but it is all so very “so what?”, and i am amazed at the amount of energy that gets expended attacking/deconstructing some such shrug inducing subjective commentary in some far-away newspaper. Have we gotten infected by that curious bug that was first discovered in Beijing when the government there got up in arms about someone who had insulted the billion plus citizens of that glorious nation?

Oh, and btw, i am in this game for the entertainment… :wink: :whistle: :popcorn:[/quote]

Thats the key then. Maybe people who are narrow minded and live a sheltered existence should NOT venture out beyond say 100 miles from their home, lest they suffer similarly.