Racism rears its ugly head in an unexpected place:
Racism rears its ugly head in an unexpected place:
I thought this was about Hillary! dissing the local Asian press in San Fran…
[quote=“enzo+”]Racism rears its ugly head in an unexpected place:
Yet another scumbag. And what pains me is how young Eng is. Racism lives on…
Kenneth Eng, sounds like a HK Canto name to me. Hardly a surprise. One of the most shocking realisations on my move to HK is how village like the people of this supposedly international city really are. Racisim in HK is the norm and there are absolutely no laws against racial discrimination. The government had the good sense to assure half its population wasn’t hanging in the courts.
However, as an Aussie I’m assured Pauline Pantsdown is indicative of how racist my countrymen are. It’s fucking hilarious.
He does make convincing arguments though:
[quote]-- “Blacks hate us. Every Asian who has ever come across them knows that they take almost every opportunity to hurl racist remarks at us.”
– “Contrary to media depictions, I would argue that blacks are weak-willed. They are the only race that has been enslaved for 300 years.”
– “Blacks are easy to coerce. This is proven by the fact that so many of them, including the Rev. Al Sharpton, tend to be Christians.”[/quote]
[quote=“Rascal”]He does make convincing arguments though:
[quote]-- “Blacks hate us. Every Asian who has ever come across them knows that they take almost every opportunity to hurl racist remarks at us.”
– “Contrary to media depictions, I would argue that blacks are weak-willed. They are the only race that has been enslaved for 300 years.”
– “Blacks are easy to coerce. This is proven by the fact that so many of them, including the Rev. Al Sharpton, tend to be Christians.”[/quote][/quote]
WTF Rascal? How are those 3 just plain out stupid OPINIONS qualify for a convincing arguement?
This kid has some social skills personality problems that would be served by a couple of visits to the therapy couch. I wouldn’t be suprised if Mom and Dad gave him a healthy start on his road to creating racial divisions.
People who think like this, I always wonder what they think about the well spoken, mannered blacks they meet at their job and in school. Is there a race with in the black race that I am not aware of ?
It’s true that his arguments are not the best, but hatred for blacks is by no means irrational. “Racist” views are normal all over the world. It’s only in some (generally fractious and multiethnic) societies that this is a taboo. Even there–even in that famous leftist utopia of San Francisco–I’m sure that many people basically agree with this, and not all of them Chinese.
And with good reason. A glancing comparison of Africa with Europe or Asia would hardly reflect well on the former. Nor would comparisons of violent crime rates among the various races show blacks in a particularly good light. Hatred can be a form of self-defense, and when practiced by a community, of normal politics.
[quote=“Screaming Jesus”]It’s true that his arguments are not the best, but hatred for blacks is by no means irrational. “Racist” views are normal all over the world. It’s only in some (generally fractious and multiethnic) societies that this is a taboo. Even there–even in that famous leftist utopia of San Francisco–I’m sure that many people basically agree with this, and not all of them Chinese.
And with good reason. A glancing comparison of Africa with Europe or Asia would hardly reflect well on the former. Nor would comparisons of violent crime rates among the various races show blacks in a particularly good light. Hatred can be a form of self-defense, and when practiced by a community, of normal politics.[/quote]
No disagreements. But still, what Eng got published were opinions not arguements.
Well, I suppose it was inevitable. My first piece of hate mail regarding the Kenneth Eng/AsianWeek “Why I Hate Blacks” column. Fun times:
FROM: “keith lilly”
DATE: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:27:26 -0600
TO: [angryminsoo@angryasianman.com]
SUBJECT: YWhy I should hate Asian people.
You eat dog.
You jam 30 people in a house that was made for 4.
You set up stores in the neighborhoods where people live you claim to hate…THAT’s DUMBASS ON YOUR PART.
Set your shit up in WHITE NEIGHBORHOODS.
Oh…I forgot.
White people don’t like you SLANT EYED ASSES EITHER.
Most of you motherfuckers can’t speak English.
None of you motherfuckers want to deal with BLACK PEOPLE yet you want our money.
You hate Black people…Big deal.
Take your ass back to where you came from and surround yourself with a whole country of dumb, dog eating motherfucking 3 fott tall monkeys like yourself.
To the Editors of the trash…How do it feel.
We all know you knew the backlash that would come.
You money hungry hookers printed it anyway because bullshit sell’s.
Gotta go lock my dog up.
Would not want him to end up here.[/quote]
Well to add fuel to the fire here is an interesting contributor from the other side of the discussion.
It is noted the recipient of the letter is just another Asian blogger with a popular site and was not the author of the first offensive editorial.
Doesn’t surprise me one bit. I used to hang out in Asian chatrooms, and there were always tons of Asians bad-mouthing blacks, whites, Mexicans, pretty much anyone who wasn’t Asian. Most of them were college students or professionals. Remember that song “Got Rice?”? One of the lines was something like, “fuck no you’re white you’ll never be like us.” That was pretty much the feeling I got from the Asian American/Canadians in the chatrooms: we’re smarter, richer, thinner, better than everybody else.
When I was a freshman in college I was at the library with my then-girlfriend (current wife) studying in a group area where people could talk. She returned to her dorm after a while and so I was alone. I could not have been studying for five more minutes when a group of Asian guys started murmuring loudly, looking in my direction. Some skinny Asian guy with spikey hair stormed over. He was wearing a skin tight wife beater and looked ridiculous. He said, “Why the fuck do you white guys always have to go after Asian girls? Fucking assholes. You don’t deserve to date Asians, fucking white asshole.”
I was considering giving him my “don’t be a racist prick” speech, but chose instead, “I date Asian girls because they’re hot. And if I may say it, you’re looking pretty hot yourself. Maybe we could go back to my dorm room and have some fun together.”
He said, “What are you some kind of a faggot?” At this point his friends were standing behind him.
I said, “No, but you’re just so irresistable that I can’t help myself. So are we going to get it on or what?”
He said, “You’re fucking sick.”
I said, “I’m always am when I’m in love.” I stood up and tried to give him a hug. He turned around and bolted, pushing right through his friends, who were laughing their asses off by now. He grabbed his backpack and marched out the library by himself.
I agree with Screaming Jesus that racism is the norm in most societies. And hell I can even agree with Asian Americans that they generally are better educated and successful than the rest of the population. I’m sure there’s statistics out there to back that up. Asians are usually more diligent students and accept delayed gratification as a necessity, something lots of other Americans aren’t willing to do. But there’s a far cry between an Asian being proud of his ethnic community’s success and believing that Asians are the master race.
[quote=“Rascal”]He does make convincing arguments though:
[quote]-- “Blacks hate us. Every Asian who has ever come across them knows that they take almost every opportunity to hurl racist remarks at us.”
– “Contrary to media depictions, I would argue that blacks are weak-willed. They are the only race that has been enslaved for 300 years.”
– “Blacks are easy to coerce. This is proven by the fact that so many of them, including the Rev. Al Sharpton, tend to be Christians.”[/quote][/quote]
What’s the matter Rascal? Blacks are too lazy to properly shine your jackboots?
[quote=“Doctor Evil”][quote=“Rascal”]He does make convincing arguments though:
[quote]-- “Blacks hate us. Every Asian who has ever come across them knows that they take almost every opportunity to hurl racist remarks at us.”
– “Contrary to media depictions, I would argue that blacks are weak-willed. They are the only race that has been enslaved for 300 years.”
– “Blacks are easy to coerce. This is proven by the fact that so many of them, including the Rev. Al Sharpton, tend to be Christians.”[/quote][/quote]
What’s the matter Rascal? Blacks are too lazy to properly shine your jackboots?[/quote]
I’m sure Rascal was kidding.
Indeed. As Nama said his arguments are just plain stupid.
See? Rascal was kidding. Besides, everyone knows he polishes his own jackboots. It’s a matter of pride.
I didn’t even give his editorial much thought when it was brought to my attention. Just read 1/2 of it and moved on.
But reading it through this time, he sound like a young kid just entering college who percieves himself to be a victim of racism and then makes a bunch of tangential arguments trying to justify his views.
Just another example of a racist American who feels he is entitled to something. Hopefully he’ll mellow out with age and realize the error of his views as a youth.
I can’t believe he mentioned the Japanese-Russo war as props for Asian, when he is ethnically Chinese. God what is wrong with the American public education system…can’t even teach a racist to site proper facts.
Spend a few minutes reading “Rants and Raves” on the SF Bay Area edition of Craigslist and you’ll see how much of a “leftist utopia” SF is when it comes to race relations. Mr. Eng, for all of his idiocy, didn’t say anything that can’t be read on Craigslist, a free internet forum used by people of all races. Every race takes a beating on Craigslist.