Ask me anything about training!

I guess I have not been paying attention. I never said this was anything new. This is new to me as I’ve only, in person, seen a couple of people ever doing this exercise.

How come trains don’t have caboose anymore?

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I can see someone has started on afternoon drinks already.

This is the problem with Taipei. A little bit of humor and people think you’re drinking, well it’s understandable because Taipei is boring and need to drink or something else to make it better.

Taipei people are not prepared or equipped for unexpected humor or even a light happy simple comment. Taipei is just too serious.

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Hey, I’m not knocking it. Give me a couple of hours and I’ll be right there drinking (at home I mean). I’ve made my share of drunken posts. I saw the other thread about afternoon drinks and was joking more than anything. If you are drinking, I feel envy more than anything. I’m still at the office waiting for something before I can head out the door. Jealous big time.

Edit: Anyone I know well would’ve replied “hell yes, I’m drinking. You jealous?” Or something along those lines. Sometimes these forums are so depressing with all the misunderstanding, etc.

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Men always eat shit but look fine. Meanwhile, I have to count calories and BS. :rofl:

I’m actually trying to gain weight. My daughter says I’m took skinny. I weigh 81.1 KGS and I’m 185.5 cm tall.

It’s really all about diet. I weighed 97kgs several years ago. Once I counted calories for a week or so I never counted calories again. Just change your diet and get exercise. I’d suggest swimming too. I have not been swimming in years but it will surely burn lots of calories.

What are you doing now for exercise?

It makes up for it by making you feel hungry as hell. And I always do hanging leg raises last thing on leg day. You can switch to bent knee to get more reps after the straight raises.

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I think that you don’t see many people in the gym doing hanging leg raises for the same reason that you don’t see many doing pull-ups: it’s immediately obvious if that person doesn’t have the strength to do them. But they’re really good exercises, have many variations, and if you don’t have the grip strength for them then you can start with low reps with an easy variation or use ab straps.

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There used to be a French guy at my gym that looked exactly like Alex from Street Fighter. He could pull himself up and hold his body straight out from the bar like an upside-down L. Then he would kick out like a flying leg kick, pull back, twist the other way and do it with the other leg. He could do quite a few reps too. Whenever he did it there would be a big crowd watching in awe

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My form and technique is pretty terrible in the video. This is a good exercise but strict form, much better than seen in my video, is needed. I’m still learning.

There are a ton of great ab exercises that don’t require hanging from a bar.

To be honest, some people wouldn’t be able to walk the day after doing what I did in the video and for good reason - my form is terrible and what you would expect from a beginner. But I e been at this for a while and the biggest burn was from just after doing that video. The next day(s) I felt little to nothing at all.

I did the same thing tonight and did 10 for the first set and 8 for the second set. If I were strict in doing these I’d get more out of the effort.

I would say I got some benefit from doing this exercise but I’d get more if I were more strict in form.

I almost never do any ab exercises but after removing the fat, last I checked I’m at 10% body fat, my abs et al make me look ripped as fcuk. Why? Because everyone uses their abs everyday.

I almost died laughing with the post itself (which is definitely what I was thinking), and the name of the following poster … I have limits people!!!

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It was chest and shoulder day. I did dips, machine inclines, machine declines, machine shoulder press, machine lateral shoulder raises, cable tricep extensions. I got pumped as fcuk.

I did these side turning leg raises attempting my best at form. I tried not to swing at all. A couple of these I got my feet too high. Oh, I also did about 6 or 8 cartwheels to each side before this leg raise video earlier in the evening. Tricep extensions were the very last thing I did after this video. Everything else came before the video. I’m feeling something now but unsure if it’s the cartwheels or the leg raises. Weighed in at 81.1kgs Wednesday and I’m 6’2" nearly 51 years of age.

After a 30-year hiatus, I started lifting again about 5 or 6 months ago in my garage. At 55 plus, I am looking into doing a powerlifting meet just to give myself a goal. The past 5 months, I have been doing a push/pull/legs split about 5 days a week, but the actual workouts were pretty chaotic with no real planned progression. Now I am trying to formalize and am thinking about the 5-3-1 program (maybe the Boring But Big option). Mostly want to make steady strength progress while minimizing injury risk. Have you had any experience with 531?

I’ve done 5-3-1 with good results. Have you tried simpler starting strength type linear program? Generally no need to use more complicated programming if you can make good gains with simple programming (and you can if you haven’t lifted for 30 yrs. Squatting that often might be tough at 55, but I’d give it a try to start). I’d also certainly do some aux shoulder / rotator cuff work. And I love pullups. :wink:


Thanks for the feedback. Pullups are a challenge when you are out of shape and 50 pounds overweight… takes about 4 sets to failure to get 20 reps! But I do them every back day on my crappy little doorframe pull up bar.

Which simpler linear methods did you mean? I have progressed more on bench than squats and deadlifts for sure, and I am hoping the structure of 531 will help keep me from overextending and injuring myself (I have had a couple setbacks due to knee overuse and had to dial the weight way back), while still allowing steady progress.

So you can do 5 or 6? Solid start. Rather than doing sets to failure every x number of days, do 2 or 3 everytime you pass that bar and the numbers will come up quick. Watch for signs of elbow and shoulder aggravation.

Starting strength. Solid program. Start super light. Lighter
lighter! :wink: When that stops working, then do 5-3-1.

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I started by doing a couple pillups as I walked by. Now I can do 7 on my first set.
Have not looked into starting strength but will now. For bench, I’ve gone from comfortable doing about 125 for a couple reps last September to about 235 now, so have made some progress. Items to push too fast, so that is why I want a structured program with steady progression. Don:t need to go too fast. Legs are lagging, though. Just started doing deadlines, so hope that will help. Just have to be careful.with the iron weights on the concrete floor! A nice rubber mat is on my shopping list.

Did some reading on starting strength.
Wish I had come across it a few months ago! Thanks for the suggestion.

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Rip, the author, has a podcast on YouTube. It is funny. Well I think it is.

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