Attacking AARP

From the same folks who brought youth Switft Boat Veterans for Truth, we are now seeing a campaign to attack that great bastion of liberal leftism, the American Associations of Retired Persons:

Attacking AARP
In a previous post on this blog, AARP presented information about the neoconservative lobbying group named USA Next. There is a new development in the attempt by some to discredit AARP because of our stance on Social Security.

Read the rest of the article here…

Don’t forget to follow the link the USA Next web site.

Are you getting to see a pattern here? Smear campaign against Kerry and Daschle (and many other less well-known candidates). Use of a gay hooker to create faux news. Paying off real reporters with bribes to create faux news. And now a smear campaign against the AARP, despite the fact that its elderly members are mostly conservatives.

This is Propaganda Minister Karl Rove in action. It’s the kind of stuff I expect from Haiti or the Congo. Has the USA become a banana republic?

I think just about everyone agrees with you that using government money to pay a journalist for favorable coverage is wrong.

I’m not sure what your objection to this USA Next group is though… As far as I could tell there was no suggestion by the AARP or anyone else that this group was getting its money from the Bush administration is there?

Maybe your point was just “Look, here’s a group that disagrees with the AARP’s position, and they are launching a PR campaign to try and convince people they are right.” But it almost sounded like your post was suggesting that the government was sponsoring it. Was I misinterpreting your post?

[quote=“Dog’s_Breakfast”]From the same folks who brought youth Switft Boat Veterans for Truth, we are now seeing a campaign to attack that great bastion of liberal leftism, the American Associations of Retired Persons:[/quote] It might be news to a great many person that AARP is a “…great bastion of L liberal leftism”.
From what do you make this judgement? Is this aprt of their membership campaign?
Their designated membership group is person of retirement age. Since when has this pool been considered leftist?
I would venture thsat the great majoriity of persons of retirement age are most concerned with maintaining and growing acquired wealth. Is this now a “liberal leftist” position?

[quote=“Dog’s_Breakfast”]Attacking AARP
In a previous post on this blog, AARP presented information about the neoconservative lobbying group named USA Next. There is a new development in the attempt by some to discredit AARP because of our stance on Social Security.
Read the rest of the article here…
Don’t forget to follow the link the USA Next web site.
Are you getting to see a pattern here?[/quote] No. [quote=“Dog’s_Breakfast”]Smear campaign against Kerry and Daschle (and many other less well-known candidates).[/quote]Since when is political suicide, such as enggaged in by Kerry and Daschle, considered a "smear campaign?[quote=“Dog’s_Breakfast”] Use of a gay hooker to create faux news. Paying off real reporters with bribes to create faux news. And now a smear campaign against the AARP, despite the fact that its elderly members are mostlyconservatives.[/quote]Uhhh…I though they were a “great bastion of liberal leftism, the American Associations of Retired Persons…”[/quote]

And you use the blog the daily kos as a fair and balanced reference? :loco:

Oh…by the way…can you post one item from the Swift Boat Vets that is incorrect?
Just one more item?
Oh…another thing…Has John F’kin’ Kerry signed his Standard Form 180 yet? This would release all of his military records.
Has he?

Plenty of stuff has been posted about the smearboaters lack of credibility in the appropriate thread. The AARP may be a bunch of meddlesome oldsters (“greedy geezers” is one term), but an informed debate shouldn’t involve smearing these guys.

Tainan Cowboy – it would appear to me that Dog’s Breakfast is being very tongue-in-cheek about the “liberal leftism” crack. It’s the irony that he’s trying to point out – the irony that a group that has no particular “leftism” is being with some pretty hard mudslinging.

Do you think the grannies and grandpas (people our parents’ age even) are really going to appreciate some sort of desperate-looking attack like this? AARP membership normally means discounts at restaurants and on vacation services, a monthly magazine, and a few other things. I would figure the GOP wouldn’t want to attack grannies in this sort of way. Even for younger generations, I don’t think it resonates well at all to try to equate our parents and grandparents with being anti-soldier.

Regarding sex (gay, straight or otherwise), I also just don’t see what sort of smoldering lust volcanos they’re trying to paint these grandpas as being, but perhaps USANext and the GOP would do better to take a break. There’s geriatric porn for those who are into that … personally I find it in bad taste.

This case is getting even more interesting. Apparently, the gay couple whose wedding photo appeared in the attack ad were nonplussed. They have retained an attorney and have sent a cease and desist letter, and might possibly sue.

Great news video explaining the whole issue:
