Atypical Taiwanese: A story about TC LIN

I had my baby at Adventist–thank God for Burger King!


won’t go there anymore, too expensive and the staff is pervaded with maddening jaded attitudes towards foregners.

however my wife had our babies there twice and wouldn’t go anywhere else for another.


And while we’re on the subject, how about any interesting or grotesque hospital experiences here?[/quote]

This happened a long time ago when I was living in Chia Yi. Pollen levels were sky-high, and I had an asthma episode that put me in the ER. Nothing like sitting on a gurney, IV in your arm, ogygen tube in your nose…as two or three dogs sniff their way through the room. I don’t think they were the doctor’s pets.

I don’t hate dogs. I just don’t like them in the ER with me.

Best wishes to Mr. Lin.

Thanks for everyone’s concern. I’m out now, though I’m not completely recovered. I still think Adventist is one of the better hospitals in Taipei, although the students running around playing nurse are annoying. My only other choice might be Mackay, but I’m not sure.

Hope you’re feeling better soon.

Poagao, didn’t you enjoy the eye-fluttering attention from all those lovely little student nurses – even if they didn’t know one end of the catheter from the other?

Feel better soon!


LOL! I’m sorry, Omni - I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at the idea of Poagao enjoying fluttery-eyed student nurses attending his needs :slight_smile: He’s only the planet’s biggest mysogonist. I only hope while he was in the hospital he was doped up so high he couldn’t give those poor young women the benefit of his scathing wit and withering glares.


Sacrifice my ass…you all owe me big time!

Come on Chris! I know much bigger misogynists than pussycat Poagao. He’s always given me the benefit of the doubt…but then again, I rarely giggle behind my hand and flutter my eyelids. Am I supposed to?