Auditions: Kvetch/Lunch

As about as nasty as a play can get, Kvetch, by British playwright Steven Berkoff, is, at the same time, an uproarious rollercoaster ride of non-stop laughter. Kvetch is fear. Whatever shape your fear may take, The Kvetch will sit there, at the back of your conscience, needling away at you, eating your confidence and stabbing your hopes right in the eye.

I’ve decided to remount a production of this play. I need 5 actors, 2 musicians that can compose weird sound effects and original scores and, most importantly, a stage manager/associate producer.

This will be a cooperative effort. If money is made, it will be shared. Although cash is not the primary impetus for doing the show, it would still be nice to receive some remuneration, nu?

I will produce and direct the show. That is, if I can garner enough interest to cast the thing.

The characters are:

[b]Frank: Late 30’s, early 40’s. Jewish. Schlepps schmatas for a living and is incredibly mean to his family.

*Donna: Frank’s wife. Haggard and run down.

Grandmother: Donna’s mother. The prototypical Jewish Mother-in-law.
(Can possibly be played by a man. A very physical role, or so I hope)

Hal: Frank’s co-worker. A WASP.

George: Frank’s customer. Successful and confident.[/b]

If anyone is interested in auditioning, please PM me and I will give you my contact info.

Rehearsals will most likely be Sunday, Mondays and Thursdays. Likely, just one night a week to start, but getting more intense as we approach d-day. It is a very simple mis-en-scene, so it can be played just about anywhere one can achieve blackout.

*A note about playing Donna. Only the most courageous of female actors need consider auditioning. This is not a role for the squeamish.

Wish I had more free time. Good luck!

Oi! :slight_smile: Where are the auditions at?

Sandy, you’d be perfect for Frank. Be something to hear you do a yiddish accent, what with that brogue a yers.


Sandy, you’d be perfect for Frank. Be something to hear you do a yiddish accent, what with that brogue a yers.

I can cover the brogue, easy. Sir Andrew Aguecheeks spoke with a posh Englishee accent.

Sounds interesting. Where’s it being performed? And what dates? And for how long?

Performed? Wherever and whenever we can. As I said, anywhere with a blackout will be a suitable space. I’d love to do it in The Red Theatre, but that would take some major sponsorship. Not impossible, but as for now, I am only attempting to gauge interest and see if it’s even possible to cast the thing. Do a few readings, develop an overall thrust to the project and take it from there.

We’ll have a product and attempt to market it. When we can’t sell or don’t want to sell any more dates, we’ll close.

As a side note, should I find enough interest, I am going to also add a second play of Berkoff’s to the mix, make it a sort of Evening with Steven…lol

Anyhooo…I am also casting for his 2 hander Lunch.

Make sure that what you are doing doesn’t contravene peoples work permits. I’d hate to hear later down the line that someone got deported in a case of ‘great intentions getting spoiled by local stupidity.’

Remember that guy with a geetar?

Brilliant idea, by the way, hats waaay off to you for getting this off the ground.

Make sure that what you are doing doesn’t contravene peoples work permits. I’d hate to hear later down the line that someone got deported in a case of ‘great intentions getting spoiled by local stupidity.’

Remember that guy with a geetar?

Brilliant idea, by the way, hats waaay off to you for getting this off the ground.[/quote]

Thanks TH,

I’m on it. The DNS, you may recall, is in the Performing Arts biz. We’ll arrange work permits thru her company if and when. Wish you were here. You’d be a great Hal.

[quote=“Toe Save”][quote=“TomHill”]Toe,
Make sure that what you are doing doesn’t contravene peoples work permits. I’d hate to hear later down the line that someone got deported in a case of ‘great intentions getting spoiled by local stupidity.’

Remember that guy with a geetar?

Brilliant idea, by the way, hats waaay off to you for getting this off the ground.[/quote]

Thanks TH,

I’m on it. The DNS, you may recall, is in the Performing Arts biz. We’ll arrange work permits thru her company if and when. Wish you were here. You’d be a great Hal.[/quote]

Me too. I once played Ted in Peter Schaffer’s ‘The private Ear,’ which is a similar role to the newly divorced Hal.

Who’s “that guy with a geetar”?

I think he’s referring to one one Peter Chen’s victims in Tai Dong.

Sorry. Still not getting it. Some guy named Peter Chen (TW govt official?) got a foreigner living in Taidong kicked out of the country for playing guitar? in a pub? for cash? Forgive my lack of knowledge please

The search function is your friend. … Peter+Chen