[quote=“asiababy”]Some ideas:
Do you have your business cards at the Center in Taipei? You could also make up a small info card for people to take away, listing your services. you can put them at the center for free.
The Center also publishes Taipei Living, but you just missed their latest printing. You could look at an ad in Centered On Taipei.
Do you advertise on parentpages? There is a good base of expat families using that site, too.
If you write me an informational piece for my blog, kidzone-tw.com, I’ll post it up with a link for you. Just a short background of your business and how you can help expat families with their car needs. Send me a pic you have one.
Write an article about traveling by car in Taiwan and hit up either Centered on Taipei with the article, and they give you a free note at the end where you list your business, or send it out to people with travelintaiwan sites/blogs you like and do a link exchange in return for a useful article.
Have a couple more ideas, if you like this kind of strategy.[/quote]
Yes, I do indeed have information at The Center, inluding name cards, DMs, an A4 ad, and I also have a colour full page ad in Taipei Living this year.
The articles for other people’s blogs and sites is a good idea. I can do this on a request basis. I also provide free talks for groups and businesses who wish to learn about the basics of getting on the roads of Taiwan and choosing an appropriate transport.
Icon: Of course I would love to have the time and funds to develop a driving program for people here. I don’t believe however that I personally would make the best instructor without any experience working as one. Criticising the instruction offered here and providing a suitable alternative are two very different things. I certainly have a good idea of what would make for an appropriate education in this regard, but I don’t have the resources, the money, or the time to set up such a thing by myself. If the government were interested however, then I would love to offer them assistance. It would require a group effort to get such a thing off the ground and practised on a large scale.
In the meantime I can offer plenty of practical advice for those coming here on what to look out for when driving, and areas they should practice themselves, including some methods of safe practice so that they may drive or ride more safely when taking into account local road design and driving norms.
Thanks for the advice people. Its all good.
The rentals have started out quite well with the cars both out on long term rental basis.
I am looking to locate more suitable vehicles to put on the road now in addition to those out there already.
I am also thinking about bringing in a hire-purchase plan for those who wish to eventually own the car after renting it for a time. If anyone is interested in such a plan, then feel free to let me know here or send me a mail and I’ll likely set something up.