I was curious if anyone knows what most Taiwanese parents pay per child for English lessons? Per semester, hour, camp, etc…
I was curious if anyone knows what most Taiwanese parents pay per child for English lessons? Per semester, hour, camp, etc…
At my former school, the parents were paying $97,000 a semester for a full-day kindy class with no lunch or busing (9am to 3pm).
I think the average Taipei buxiban charges $35,000 to $37,000 a semester for a 6-hour/week English class. Or at least the ones I have worked for do.
At my school they pay $7500 which covers 24 2hour lessons. That’s just English, I’m not sure what anqinban costs are. Kids are mostly grade 1 to grade 6, although there’s a few junior high kids as well doing GEPT.
If it’s a kindy, there’s also a “registration cost”, which really really pads the boss’s pockets. These range from $10000 to $80000 and if I’m not mistaken, it’s a one-time thing (not annual). Really, how much does it cost to file a child’s information?