Average tefl salaries

Please can you state your monthly salaries and city for teflers without teaching degrees ( standard degrees etc please)

Experience too if you want.

No. Go fish.


In my experience, it is likely 50-60K or so for fob noobs, for fulltime days at the big chains. That goes up with experience, even at the big chains.

Then, if you smarten up, and /or get some experience, you teach hourly, and end up making more for only working 2-7 pm or so. Best case around 700/800 NT per hour (sometimes more) for 5 hrs in the afternoon, so 70-80K per month for 5 hrs a day, if you can find those sorts of hours.

Once you get your APRC, you can supplement that however you choose, which often pushes it to around $100K / month or so with privates, etc., if money means more to you than free time. Whatever your priority, I suppose.

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Why did you waste finger muscles on that

Wages have been stagnant kind of stagnant then. In the mid to late 1990s I was making $1000 per teaching at my last TEFL job, with about 7 years of experience. Had to do about 30 minutes per day unpaid prep and grading time. It was a foreign-owned school, mostly large classes. Although $450 per hour or so per hour was a pretty common starting salary back then (I started at $400), so the low end has gone up a bit.


Most people don’t like to disclose their salary. There is an anonymous salary survey but not specific to TEFL.


That’s it. Thanks.

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I think that 1000NT$ per hour is not impossible - you just have to find the right employer, have experience, and have good re-enrollment rates with students.


Right, but that was also true 25 years ago.

But it was work. The owners and parents expected results, and the kids were expected to have done their workbook and pronunciation homework before class.

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First timers do not take less than 600NT$ per hour, then work up from there, any less is a rip off.
That is for block hours in the same location.


It’s funny how it plays to exactly what corporate HR wants. … don’t disclose your salary. Why do people feel their self worth is tied to their salary?

Ok I don’t work in TEFL but here’s my salary in tech: $2 million NT annual. What’s the big deal ? It’ll help people make better decisions about a job offer and negotiate against corporate secrecy.


On average around 120k a month. Taoyuan.

Used to be considerably more. :cry:


Yes wages for foreign teachers have been stagnant. Why wouldn’t it be? Taiwan was pretty much a third world country back then and needed that kind of salary to draw teachers here, now it doesn’t need it as much.

Even unqualified illegally teaching foreign Asians don’t take less than 600NT$.

Ive become so desensitized to salary questions after having been here for a while. Every Amah and Agong wants to know.

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There is still relatively few Westerners that want to come here to teach in general anyway. The difference is low birthrates cause low enrollment so therefore less schools chasing less money equals lower salaries imo.

Plus most places pay about the same so it’s not like you can go salary shipping since the industry acts like a cartel and they know what the school down the street is paying.

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Im moving taiwan in 2023. Just trying to do some research. Im satisfied. Relatively few westerners sounds good to me. Unlike Thailand where there are too many falangs around in turn u get 35000 baht a month averagely.

Uh oh dude you don’t hear about great farang migration planned to Taiwan in 2022.

Uh oh.

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please provide a link… I could change my country of choice but it would have to catastrophic to deter from taiwan and its weather, wage etc