Avril Lavigne in Nangang May 13th

Dunno if it appeals to anyone here, but Avril Lavingne is coming to Taipei for a show.
May 13th at the Nangang Exhibition Hall.

Details here: ticket.com.tw/dm.asp?P1=0000011466

I kept seeing the advertisement during the basketball game. I was wondering if that was her. She looks kind of cute, but tough.

She likes sk8terboyz, iirc.

How come shes not coming in April (Avril) ?

Because April only comes after May?!? Alright, that was bad… :unamused:

I would go if I had free tickets. She’s quite spunky for a Canookislovakian.

are you angling for free tickets or for free canooks? :slight_smile:

Free tickets. Canooks are ten-a-penny. You can’t GIVE them away.