Babelfish brings you excerpts from the Spanish Forum!

An occasional series :shock:

Greetings Spanish-speaking friends! I write to them because I am dying of desire to dance sauce with friends who also love the Latin musica. Or I have long time in Taipei and with himself not to find a place or people that knows to enjoy and to appreciate the sauce dance. Please comuniquemosnos and we make a group of sauce!

Quizas we meet in a club or bar where touch sauce, Latin musica? Or somebody has better idea?


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



Hey, I’m a red-blooded male and I enjoy the sauce dances as much as the next guy, but I don’t speak much Spanish.

Touch that sauce, baby!

By the way, to that it does not like that there are Spaniards and Spanish somewhere who takes a Valium or, the saying, goes away to a conversation in English that those yes that is as a Tower of Babel although is spoken the same language