Baby eligible for Taiwan Passport?

Hi all,

This is my first post after lurking behind the forum for so many years.

Me and my Taiwanese fiancée will be registering our marriage in Malaysia, my home country. We hope to have a child (to be born in Malaysia) and she wants the child to have a ROC passport. Per my understanding, this registration can be done at the TECO here.

I am not sure when we will next return to Taiwan to re-register our marriage there. This has left me wondering whether in the event a child is born before the marriage re-registration process, is the child still eligible for a ROC passport without ID?

I stand corrected.

Short answer is yes.

If your fiancee reads Chinese, here is the procedure.




  1. 填寫護照申請書
  2. 經我駐外館處驗證之出生證明(原本及中譯文)1份及影本2份
  3. 父母親之護照正本,另備影本2份(正本驗畢歸還)
  4. 最近3個月內其母之戶籍謄本(正本,且須有詳細記事)乙份及影本2份(均含正反面)
  5. 子女姓氏約定書(須由父母親自簽名)
  6. 小孩目前所持之他國護照正本,另備影本2份(正本驗畢歸還)
  7. 3張2吋之半身彩色照片( 1.5 X 2吋,相片中人像自頭頂至下鄂之長度不得小於3.2公分及超過3.6公分,不得使用合成照片。由於護照照片要求嚴格,請參考護照照片規格/uploads/sites/63/2016/02/申辦晶片護照照片規格說明.pdf)
  8. 小孩須由具中華民國國籍之父或母陪同
  9. (1)小孩出生時,倘父母尚未結婚登記,生母需出示已驗證(受胎期間無婚姻關係)之單身證明,生父先辦妥國內認領登記手續;
    (2) 小孩出生於父母結婚前或結婚未逾181日,生母需出示已驗證之單身證明;
    (3) 小孩出生於外籍生父與生母結婚第181日之後,需出示已驗證之結婚證書或已辦妥結婚登記之戶籍謄本
  10. 費用: 急需使用,不及等候國內代繕護照者,可申請由本處核發1年效期MRP護照,每件馬幣42元


  1. 申請「臨人字入出國許可」
  2. 經駐外館處驗證之預防接種證明(未滿六歲者)
  3. 經駐外館處驗證之最近三個月內之健康檢查合格證明(可在台辦理)
  4. 經駐外館處驗證之良民證 (20歲以上成年人)