Thought you guys might be interested in seeing this video of an old lady carrying a 2~3 year old girl in a box on her scooter, all the while the kid’s head is hanging out the side.
I caught this last Saturday and uploaded it the same day.
Pretty terrible. I was shocked. But, I’m sure you guys have seen worse.
It was on the news today. TVBS. My first video ever to get on there. I feel special. heh
God almighty! AND she did a left turn into the oncoming traffic. Just imagine if anyone ever bothered to report it! Just sickening. But don’t worry! EYE for ONE won’t make any mention of ignorant fucking bumpkins who should never have progressed further than riding water buffalo. Oh no! Not ME! Because I LOVE Taiwan!
Not long ago, in Chang Hua, I saw five people on a scooter–I thought. Until I realized that one of the shopping bags hanging off the forearm of the woman on the bike contained an infant in one of those front carier things. There apparently wasn’t room on the bike for every one with the baby strapped onto her.
This video is just horrible for the child’s head lolling off the bike and Ama just using her foot to push it back up. Unbelievable.
Things like this really bring on the fact that Taiwan is still very 3rd world !!
I still reiterate that scooters and motos should be restricted to rider only. No passengers. No cargo. No pets. Although most taiwanese dogs seem to ride scooters ok as passengers.
Seriously, that totally looks like a doll. The hair seems too long for it being a baby and to even fit in that box. I don’t think it’s a baby, if it was people would be making her pull over. The Taiwanese have their problems, but I don’t see a grandmother doing that. It’s not a baby in a box!!!
[quote=“tommy525”]Things like this really bring on the fact that Taiwan is still very 3rd world !!
I still reiterate that scooters and motos should be restricted to rider only. No passengers. [/quote]
Scooters are perfectly capable of taking a helmeted adult passenger IMHO. The problems are the behavior of the rider, helmet certifications, police enforcement of existing legislation, and so on.
And no, I don’t think anyone would be ‘making’ her pull over if it were a baby, rk1951. Taiwan, as much as I love her, has a long way to go in some areas. (So do my own maternal and paternal countries, lest anyone mistake this for prejudice.)
Too many deaths of passengers on motos/scooters. Children especially. I say NO passengers, rider only for scoots and motos. NO exceptions.
and yes that was a child, theres no way that was a doll and yes dragon is right, nobody would stop a person from carrying a child in a box on a scoot in taiwan.
Saw this accident at my bus stop, but notice the mummy carrying the baby on front and the young boy standing there with no helmet… The car was trying to run the red light but decided to stop at the last second and the scooter was going to follow him through, so he couldn’t stop and rear ended him.
Sorry this one is blurred, took it took quickly trying to take it before the lights changed. Four on the scooter, one little kid was sitting on the floor of the scooter with his legs dragging along the ground with no helmet on. And there was also the “kid on the rear bike rack sitting on a rubber tile,” too.
See it all the time. Is there much difference in putting the kid in a box on the front of the scooter to having them sit in those makeshift stools they put on the front of the scooter, or the kids that stand there with their face only centimetres from the handlebars and scooter dashboard so if the scooter needs to stop quickly the kid will slam its face into the handlebars and dash… Maybe the box would have provided more protection and the baby wouldn’t have lost so much skin had they crashed…
Thats what I mean. The only way to fix that is to ban any passengers on scoots/motos. Total ban. Meaning NONE. Cant rely on Joe or Jane Taiwanese to NOT be stupid and carry kids.