Back from LOS, JFRV mission accomplished. But, one odd thing

Hello Forumosa world! Sawadeek krap!

Just returned from the land of smiles and what a wonderful visa run! Absolutely fantastic 5 day trip! No problems, people at visa office were fast, friendly, and cooperative.

Got my JFRV!!! The drama is now over! :smiley: (Party at Quarter’s place)

Have a question though…they marked my Reident visa as follows:

Duration of Stay:

that is it. Just three stars. Does this mean that my visa has no expiration? I have heard that most people have to reapply after one or three years. But mine has no such markings. Just the thre “***”.

So now I am trying to convince my wife that we should move to LOS. Everytime I go there I want to cry on the return flight to Taiwan.

Mine still seems to be working after 11 years. You must go to the FAP to get an ARC within 15 days of getting your JFRV. Your ARC needs to be renewed every 3 years or however long they give you.

what’s LOS?

LOS = Land of Smiles = Bangkok / Thailand :smiley:


That should be sawadee krap, if you’re a man. There isn’t something else to this fascination with Thailand is there, Quarters? :laughing:


[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Hmmm.

That should be sawadee krap, if you’re a man. There isn’t something else to this fascination with Thailand is there, Quarters? :laughing:


Not really a fascination, rather a pleasurable experience. Thailand has great food, great views, and great prices. Sure its hot and there are a ton of expats everywhere you turn…but it was a nice break from Taiwan. Everyone needs one now and then. This little visa run helped me put my perspective glasses back on and I realized that our (my wife and I) goals are probably going to take us off this island or out of Taipei eventualy, just didnt want to lose sight of that.

I always get the ka and krap thing confused… :laughing: (making mental note)

[quote=“Quarters”]Got my JFRV!!! The drama is now over! …

Duration of Stay:

that is it. Just three stars. Does this mean that my visa has no expiration?[/quote]

The problem is that your drama is not over. Within 15 days of arriving on a Resident Visa you must proceed to your local foreign affairs police department to apply for an ARC and Re-Entry permit. Upon approval, the Re-Entry permit will be placed in your passport and will have the same validity as your ARC. From this point forward, your ARC will be your proof of residence, and your Re-Entry permit will allow you to enter the country as a resident. Each time you renew your ARC, a new expiration date will be added to the back of your ARC and a new Re-Entry permit placed in your passport with a new expiration date to match the ARC. Initially marriage ARCs allow 1 year duration for the first time and then you can renew up to three years at a time after that.

Once you have been granted an ARC you no longer need the Resident Visa.

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Hmmm.

That should be sawadee krap, if you’re a man. There isn’t something else to this fascination with Thailand is there, Quarters? :laughing:


i thought it was SAWADEE KROP if you are a guy and SAWADEE KA if you are female. but krap??

[quote=“tommy525”][quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Hmmm.

That should be sawadee krap, if you’re a man. There isn’t something else to this fascination with Thailand is there, Quarters? :laughing:


i thought it was SAWADEE KROP if you are a guy and SAWADEE KA if you are female. but krap??[/quote]
Krap for males, ka(h) for females.

I see this kind of explanation repeated on many websites … however, my question is: What is the point of reference?

Is this differentiated based on who is speaking, or who is being spoken to???

I see this kind of explanation repeated on many websites … however, my question is: What is the point of reference?

Is this differentiated based on who is speaking, or who is being spoken to???[/quote]

on who YOU are!! If you are a GUY, you would say sawasdee Krop. If you are a lady (even of the night) you would say sawasdee Ka.

hope this clears it up for you?

by the way , iv never heard sawasdee KRap (as in Crap) for guys. its Krop (as in Crop) far as i know.

different cultures, different “a” and “o” sounds! krap.