I applaud your sterling efforts to assist in the Mystery of the Missing Bottles. I believe that even Sherlock Homes and Jane Marple might be stumped by this conundrum.
Clearly, however, I believe that it goes without saying that if a theft were involved, a Democrat would be lurking nearby.
I do look forward to a satisfactory resolution of this problem. Wine after all does not grow on trees you know.
Interestingly, a Republican official with whom a relative of mine used to work lost his post after being caught chugging cheap wines in supermarket bathroom without paying. It is not sure whether these wines were Argentinian in origin. Of course, demon alcohol doesn’t play favorites with either side of the spectrum…
Interesting anecdote. I am wondering whether there is a Latin Word for love of chugging stolen wines in bathrooms. Perhaps a clever combination of various words could result in a proper definition? I shall look forward with great interest to your efforts in my behalf.
Tigerman, I think the problem was the stealing wine part. At the time, his being an alcoholic “unable to help himself” was a mitigating factor that meant no charges were actually brought.
Fred, I sure wish Freud had tackled this one. What a wonderful example of various “stages” coming together. Oenokleptophilia might be a start for for those who get excited by stealing wines. Eproctophilia is good for those who wish to combine the heady aroma of stolen Argentinian wines with earthier smells. What wine goes best with beans and cabbage?
Chremastistophilics get off on the idea of being robbed. Aren’t you a bit envious? If you chase the thief, then keep in mind that phygephiliacs get turned on by being a fugitive. Not by being caught … just by being chased.
In 1989, Tower was President George H. W. Bush’s choice to become Secretary of Defense, but the Senate did not confirm his nomination after much contentious debate and testimony. Critics claimed he had too many ties to defense contractors. There were also extensive reports during the time that his nomination was being considered that Tower habitually abused alcohol and that this would be a liability.
The media salivated about Bush’s and Cheney’s drinking and driving records. It also hurt Bob Packwood along with his alleged sexual harassment.
However, some of the Democratic Senators such as Teddy Kennedy, D.P. Moynihan, Chris Dodd etc. are legendary boozers. Perhaps the best-known of public drinking incidents over the last generation involved former House Ways and Means chair, Wilbur Mills, D-Arkansas. Mills’ self-admitted alcoholism came to light in 1974 after he was caught frolicking in Washington’s Tidal Basin with his stripper-friend, “Argentine Firecracker” Fanne Fox. Mills, who left office that year, later told an interviewer that he drank so heavily that often experienced blackouts while working on Capitol Hill. It never seems to hurt the Democrats as much as the Republicans…a fair and balanced media? Don’t think so.
Fannie Fox was Argentine? Is there no end to that nation’s “charms?” While MFGR certainly has given me a number of interesting new names for this strange phenomenon, I still want to know what happened to my three missing bottles. A profound mystery that should inspire wannabe detectives everywhere. Perhaps, I should write an account under the Open Forum or perhaps Art and Culture?
Good thing he wasn’t addicted to sex. I wonder if not being able to help himself would be a mitigating factor in a rape case?[/quote]
My recollection was that the guy was nice enough and made a decent paycheck but simply was too ashamed to be seen publicly buying so much booze. Instead of simply spreading out his purchases over several locations, he started going to one particular place, slipping into the bathroom with a bottle or two of cheap wine that he’d pound on the spot – not a brilliant solution compared to the embarrassment and humiliation to follow. The store didn’t want to press charges but did ask that he pay them back for the enormous number of bottles of wine that disappeared over the weeks when he was doing this.
For Fred’s benefit, I recall the technical term for “sex addiction” is “normal male behavior”…
Regarding Chewycorn’s hypothesis, I am not at all sure. Political coverage changed quite a bit with time – in the old days, journalists didn’t report on politicians flagrantly wacky behavior no matter who it was. One can say John Tower got nailed partly because of his drinking habits, but then again that was an era in which Gary Hart (on the other side of the aisle) was getting nailed for his extramarital model-humping habits. Was one the victim of the “liberal” media and the other the victim of the “conservative” media? Or, might it be more realistic to say that in the 1980s journalists felt free to report more on the personal lives of the politicians? Journalists want scoops, publishers want to sell papers, and in the big picture I think that’s where things went.
How many people did he kill or how many died because of his drunk driving? I think that Kennedy should have gone to jail for manslaughter at the very minimum. Sickening. Repulsive f***wit.
You’re not going to find me sticking up for any of the drunk-driving contingent – two of my best friends from college were killed by drunks in separate instances. Frankly, I wouldn’t mind if the U.S. would have taken DUIs far more seriously. There are plenty of deaths every year from DUIs. Cheney has a couple arrests, Bush has one, and Kennedy has the deadly one. Fact is that the “being drunk while driving” deal can end in a dozen different ways, many of them disasterous.
Keeping in mind that back then people back then didn’t take keys away and drivers would “have one for the road”, in America today there is enough knowledge and awareness out there about drunk driving that it’s not rocket science for people to take a few precautions before getting blasted. There’s an expression about those who join the police, fire or military units that the main act of courage is the one in which they sign up – everything after that is simply duty. After the 1980s, it’s pretty clear that a drunk driver has one key moment of fucking up – the moment they put their sorry ass behind a wheel. Everything thereafter is simply playing the odds.
Cake: What do you mean when you see that they are “working for the interests of business”? (Incidentally, if you mean that both parties tend to do favors for wealthy people/organizations who contribute to their campaigns, then I agree with you – just was not sure if that’s what you mean by “business”.)