there are many badminton courts around.
I am looking for someone who, like me, needs some exercise once or twice a week for an hour, preferably between 10am and 3pm.
I checked the threads here, but the only interesting post was ~2 years ago, about a
place that seems to be shut down.
Play on Saturday(s) ( 9:00AM -12:00 Noon ) …Location : Metropolitan badminton Club at : N0. 7-1 ,Section 5 , Mei-chuan E. Road ( close to Da-Lien Road ) …Ask for Joseph …
Are there still people around that want to play Badminton in Taichung? We (two old German farts) play once a week mostly on Saturdays or Sundays at 名園 II (ming2yuan2), in the backyard of the now busy shopping area Xitunlu Sec. 3 area, near the Taichung Science Park.
It is quite a ride from the city, we play there because it is convenient for me (not for my partner…) and because it is so big it is never fully booked. Last but not least the showers are decent.
If anybody is interested in joining us, you are very welcome. My partner wants to play more often anyway and when I am traveling he misses out on his weekly exercise completely. It is also fun to play one against two, or perhaps we find a fourth player to play doubles.
Should the location be a problem, we can also consider playing somewhere else.