Someone recently told me there was one in that area, and that it was good.
They couldn’t remember the name of it though.
Does anyone know exactly where it is or what it’s called?
I don’t know if it is still open, but there used to be a bagel store called Marco Polo on Chongqing Road (I think), just north of the Presidential Palace, on the right, if you are going north toward the train station.
I think, if memory serves, the bagels were NT$ 35 or NT$ 50, and they had bagel sandwiches and different spreads available.
Also, I think that this bagel store was part of a larger bookstore.
Anyway, hope this helps, and please report back, if you do find this place and check it out. I haven’t been there in ages.
if you are in Taipei, there’s always New York Bagel’s restaurant. It has 3 stores, the first one at the cornor of Ren-Ai and An-ho road (仁愛路跟安和路口), there’s one in Tien-Mu, and one near Taipei 101. it’s the most expensive though, NT50 each, but they have various flavors and cream cheeses. most variety and choices.
I have also searched online,
台北市大安區復興南路2段7號 (No. 7, Fu-hsin South Rd, Section 2)
and I found an online store … ory=101525
in case you can’t read Chinese, they have (plain, blueberry, mix (nuts I guess), cinnamon raisin, chocolate chip, maple wheat, onion and last sesame) they are all NT25 each, will be shipped frozen, shipping and handling is NT 150, if you order over NT1000, shipping is for free.
Ps. you can always browse your local bakery, bagle is not that unkown to ppl anymore, so perhaps you can find them.
Ps. you can also find them in Seatle Gourmet Cafe, and Costco.
I have only had them in NY Bagles, so if others don’t taste good, it’s not my fault!
I tried a new bagel place down under the Taipei Main Train Station. It’s called Magic Bagel. You choose a bagel and they will make it into a sandwich. I had an egg and bacon one and a latte. I liked it, but I don’t really know bagels. It’s around the corner from the Mister Donut.